My Boys

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Last week Justin and I adopted a beautiful six month old baby boy who we both quickly got attached to but Justin thinks that he doesn't like him. 
"Y/n, he doesn't like me!" Justin exclaimed.
"Justin, you know his biological mother wasn't right, maybe he's just craving some motherly love" I comforted him.
I was currently feeding y/s/n some strawberry baby food which he seemed to really enjoy. I didn't give him much as we just started with baby food.
Justin warmed up the bottle testing it against the back of his hand before trying to hand it to me. I stopped his hand and gently lifted y/s/n out of his high chair and placed him into Justin's arms.
Y/s/n immediately started crying reaching out for me but instead of taking him, I ran my fingers through one of his small curls.
"Don't hold him like an alien, lift his head up a little bit more" I scolded as Justin sat down laughing at me.
He sat the bottle down before adjusting y/s/n. As he returned the bottle to his mouth, y/s/n wrapped his hand around Justin's finger as he drank the milk out of the bottle.
I swooned. They were looking into each other's eyes happily and my baby was finally recognizing Justin fully.
As he was drinking his eyes slowly started to shut and the suckling decreased as his hold on the finger tightened.
Justin looked up at me grinning, looking happier than ever that our baby boy was content in his arms. He went to but him on his cot in the living room but he protested grabbing onto Justin's shirt tightly.
Justin's eyes flickered up to me for help and I motioned for him to sit down. Y/s/n quickly settled curling into Justin's chest and deeply sighing in what I think is contentment. My boys.
Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading!

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