Chapter 26:The advantage of having your sister as a spy

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KC and Miles headed to what was left of Trina's apartment. When they got there, Miles knocked on the door.

"No answer. We'll have to go in ourselves." Miles confirmed.

"I'll get us in." KC said. She put a small chip on the door, and a few seconds later, the door came open.

"Miles, hey. What's up?" Catrina asked.

"We need your help." Miles confessed.

"With what, exactly?" Trina asked.

Miles explained everything to his sister, Trina had nothing to say. She was rather shocked. Their dimension were in danger, and she could either help save it, or back out.

"I don't know, Miles. It's pretty dangerous." She said.

"Trina, we need all the help we can get. You don't have to do the fighting. You can save everyone. Me KC and the others can handle the fighting."

"Miles... I can't do this. It's more than what I'm used to." Trina said. That's when Miles stood up.

"This is what a hero is all about, sis. Risking your life to save people, if they can't save their self. You can so this. Believe me, I wanted to back out, too. But, I overcame that. Now, what are you going to do?:Hel save the multiverse, or back out? The choice is yours."

Miles had Trina thinking. She did work for SHIELD, and her job was to save lives. She couldn't just back out. Trina stood up, and looked at her brother.

"I'm in. Trina said, standing up. Miles and KC smiled. I might not be enhanced with powers like you too. But, I can still help out." Trina said. Miles smiled at Trina and hugged her.

"Thank you, Trina." Miles said.

"No problem, little brother. Now, let's head go on out there, and kick some ass before the multiverse is history." Trina said. Her, Miles, and KC headed to the SHIELD Headquarters. On the way there, they were stopped by a certain villain.

"Remember me?" Hobgoblin asked. He tossed a pumpkin blade at Miles, but he missed it and tossed it back at Hobgoblin.

"Nice hit, insect." Hobgoblin hissed flying back.

"You guys run. I'll handle this." Miles said, suiting up.

"Now,it's just me and you Goblin face!" Miles exclaims, webbing his glider and pulling it down. He fell of it, and Miles grabbed him by the neck.

"Now let's finish what we started!" Miles said. He slammed the villain into a brick wall and punched him repeatedly. Hobgoblin pushed Miles, and he slid back.

"You should have stayed where you came from." Miles yelled, spinning another web at Hobgoblin and kicking him in the chest. Hobgoblin flew back, and, crashing into another truck.

"Now that he's dealt with, I can finally catch up with Trina and KC." Miles thought to himself.

"I don't think so!" Hobgoblin said, throwing a pumpkin bomb at Miles. He tossed it back at Hobgoblin, but he hopped on his glider and missed it.

"Now, where did you go?" Hobgoblin asked. He looked around cautiously, but Miles was nowhere to be seen.

"Don't make me come after you." Hobgoblin hissed. That's when Miles punched him. But, Hobgoblin didn't see him after the hit.

"Ever heard of the game Marco Polo?" Miles quipped. Hobgoblin turned around, and was hit by a stop sign. He crashed into a truck, and got back up afterwards.

"You can stay invisible for as you want. But, I will find you." He said, looking around. Miles flipped him over and pinned him to the ground.

"Ok, then. I hope you have a good sense of hearing." Miles quipped. Very infuriated, Hobgoblin looked around. He saw a blur he recognised as Miles, and tosses several pumpkin bombs at him. Miles dodged it, and zoomed past Hobgoblin.

"Just the perks of spider sense." Miles joked.

Meanwhile Trina and K. C continue the run to the S. H. I. E. L. D,  when K. C stopped running.

"I know where we can get more help at." K. C said.

"Where?" Trina asked, before an explosion went off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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