Chapter 10:S.H.I.E.L.D Vs HYDRA

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At Aunt May's house

Miles and the new spider man showed up, and explained the HYDRA thing.

Ava:So, now we have the Tinkerer, Prowler, Claw, Shadow, and now HYDRA? This can not get any worse.

Miles:Oh, I left out the part about an alien symbiote that is looking for the Peter from earth 616, so I just wanna throw that out there. 

All the spider people's spider sense went off. Just then, Toxin, Shadow, Claw, and  Prowler, came crashing into Aunt May's house. Miles, and the rest of the heroes got ready to fight.

Miles:(punches prowler, and webs him to the wall). Sorry about that, purple. I just had to-

Shadow:You thought you escaped me, didn't, Spider-man?

Miles:Back up.(punches Shadow).

MCU Spider-man:why are there so many-(gets kicked by the Tinkerer).

Claw:(Kicks white Tiger). Well, it looks like it's just me and you.

Kelly:(Blasts him). Back off.

Meanwhile, with Miles, and Prowler

Miles was on the roof of the house, and Prowler was chasing him.
Miles backflipped, and webbed Prowler's back. Then, he pulled the web and kicked prowler's chest Then, Prowler pointed his energy gauntlets, and blasted Miles. Prowler kicked miles down, and scratched his arm. Then, Prowler extracted his sharper claws, and lifted his hand. Next, Prowler's claws got webbed together, by the original Spider-Man.

Spider-Man:Hey, missed me?

Miles:Where did you come from? I thought you died! Plus, am I seeing things?

Spider-Man: Wish you could say-

Toxin:(kicks Spider-man out of the house, and slams him into the wall).

MCU Spider-Man:This is a big insurance bill  we are going to have to pay.

Amazing Spider-man:Yeah.

So, when the police came around the villains escaped. Miles told the officers what happened, and they said that they would find them.

At the Morales/Thompson residence

Flash was healing Trina from the mission she had back at the HYDRA facility.

Flash:So, your little brother is The new Spider-Man? Sick.

Trina:No, not sick. Miles was hiding stuff from me, and I don't like it when people hide stuff from me. How could he do that to me?

Flash:One of the things about being Spider-man is keeping your identity a secret. It helps keep the ones closest to you safe. Spider Man taught me that when I became Agent Venom.

Trina:I guess your right Flash. I'll call Miles and tell him I'm sorry for being so hard on him.

At the Morales Residence

Miles had got mad, and messed up his room. He was mad he had so much on his plate. He still needed to find out the identity of all the villains. Plus, find a way to turn them into SHIELD, and retrieve all Roxxon's stolen tech. Miles also needed to figure out how to get rid of Shadow, and protect Norman Osborn. While Miles was brainstorming a plan, Spider-man(Marcus Jones) crawled in and started talking to him.

Spider-Man:Kid, we need your help. HYDRA just infiltrated SHIELD. I know you have a few friends that work for SHIELD.

Miles:I'm done with all this Spider-man bull crap. I'm quitting. Don't count on me coming back, either.

Marcus:Dude. You can't just quit. You still have a lot to learn. We still need to,-

Miles:SHUT UP!OKAY? Listen, I am done being Spider-man. Tell fury that he won't be seeing me for a while. Now, get out. And, don't even think about came back, either.

Later that day, KC, Gwen, Ernie, and Ava were captured by HYDRA. They were locked into a cell, and were awaiting execution.

Ernie:Well, I guess this is it. Hydra wins. Any last words?

Gwen:I wasted my time online dating apps. I don't know why.

Kc:I'm always focused on missions, and never have fun.

Ava:I've been keeping Miles away from Phin, and I feel super guilty.

A couple HYDRA minions came in, but they were instantly knocked out. Then, a familiar face crawled into the cell, and led everyone to freedom.

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