Chapter 23:The Storm begins

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Miles, Miguel, Marissa, Peter, Jessica, and Ganke head to Earth 616 to meet up with the other half of the Spider Verse. They went to Dr. Strange's Sanctum. When they came in, they saw Peter from Earth 616, the Peter from Miles' earth, Joe, Marcus, Gwen, Ciara, Dr. Strange, Aaron, Kelly, Cecil, Flash, KC, and Ava.

"The Prowler?" Miles asked, getting ready to fight Prowler.

"Look at you. You're always ready to fight." Aaron said, with his helmet coming off.

"Aaron? You're the Prowler?" Miles shouted in a shocked voice.

"We'll talk more about it, later." Aaron said.

"So, what's this about an interdimensional storm?" Marissa asked.

"Wait... Marissa?" KC said, looking at her confused.

"I know. I look beautiful." Marissa bragged.

"You look like a green version of Scarlet Witch. " Ciara commented. Marissa looked at the other blonde girl, and scoffed.

"Is Scarlet Witch not-

"This is now what were here for" Peter cut in.

"Right. About the storm?" Marissa asked.

"Storm is coming to this Earth. It's up to us stop him. Dr. Strange explains. We must be prepared." The heroes hear a crash, and look outside. They saw the sky was a dark blue, and a funnel of lighting crashed down.

"He's here." Dr. Strange announces. The team leaves the Sanctum, and see the cars and buildings being tossed around, electricity crackling, and other disasters.

"Some of you save lives. The other half will deal with this." Miles says, taking off swinging. KC, Flash, and Gwen, and all three Peter Parkers followed him. The rest? Saved lives like he said so. When a building came crashing down, Marcus, and Joe,  held it together. Dr. Strange stopped buildings from crashing down, by making a barrier. Using her mind powers, Marissa also freed people there were trapped.

Miles, Peter, Peter, Peter, KC, Flash, and Gwen were swinging to the base of lighting funnel.

"You're not gonna touch that, are you?" Gwen asked.

"The suit is made from vibranium, iron, and titanium. I'm sure this won't effect me at all." Miles said. He touched the funnel, and it immediately shocked him.

"Okay. Maybe a little but-oh God!"
Miles was cut off by a lighting bolt that came his way. He missed it,and saw man made from electricity with a sword that was also made from electricity. The heroes looked at him with fear.

"Storm." Miles muttered to himself. Peter activated his iron spider suit,and prepared for battle. Storm sent a lightning bolt at Flash's direction. He dodged it, and received an electric blast from Miles.

"That made him stronger."  Miles muttered. Gwen spun a web at the villain, but he burnt it.

"How do we defeat electricity?" Peter(616) asked.

"I think I know how." Miles said, pressing a button on his suit. A moment later, Kelly landed right in front of Strom. She blasted him, and he flew back.

"Nice hit, kid." He uttered. Storm made a ball of electricity, but Miles webbed it, and it traveled to his suit, but didn't effect it. In fact, it was kind of an upgrade. Miles backflipped, blasted Storm with the electricity. He flew back and landed in a pile of cars.

"That was great!" Peter (The amazing universe) complimented. Miles saw a drop of rain on his suit. He looked at discovered it was raining.

"This isn't over yet, Spider Punk!" He said. He went into his lighting funnel, and teleported elsewhere. The storm stopped, but the rain didn't.

"Guys, we need to get to my universe. I have an idea." Miles said. Dr. Strange opened the portal to Miles' homeworld.

"Who are we looking for?" Joe asked.

"Terrence Wilson, and Catrina Morales, and Terry Wilson." Miles answered.

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