Chapter 22:Back to the Future

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Earth 16170

Miles, Jessica, Peter, Ganke and Marissa look around, where they saw lots of futuristic tech such as Holographic projections, walking machines, and much, much more.

"Alright, we need to find Miguel O'Hara." Miles declared. A jet flew over them, with several others following it.

"Let's follow those jets." Miles said, swinging after them. The gang took off, without Marissa.

"REALLY?" She yelled. Ganke flew back, and picked her up, and the team followed the jets.

"Where are they going?" Marissa asked.

"We'll see." Miles said, getting closer to the jets.

"I would not get too close to those jets if I were you." Jessica said to Miles. But, he ignored her.

"MILES!"She yelled, before she saw a building, that looked like a laboratory.

"I think we found something." Jessica said. Everyone followed her to the strange building. Since they didn't have any identification, they had to sneak in.

"I'll turn invisible, and catch the door next time it opens." Miles said, as he saw someone exiting the building. He sped over to them and knocked them unconscious. He also took their name tag, just in case. The team came across a door that said do not open.

"Should we go in?" Ganke asked.

"This is exactly how people die in horror movies." Miles said, shaking his head.

"Dude. Peter from the amazing Spider-man universe interjected. We're looking for Miguel O'Hara, not some door, with a possible death trap. "

"How about we check if he's in there." Marissa suggested.

"Good idea. Let's say our last word while at it." Miles said sarcastically.

"Look, let's just check and leave."Ganke said. So, Jessica opened the door, and saw giant eye staring at them.

"WHO DARE WAKES UP THE COSMIC  GUARDIAN OF THE FUTURE?" he yelled. The team walked in nervously. They were silent, until Marissa spoke.

"Us. We came here to talk to someone named Michael O'Hara."

"It's Miguel." Ganke corrected.

"He can't speak right now. Go away and comeback never." The force tells them.

"Look, the multiverse is in danger and you just kick us out? We need this man's help. A guardian is supposed to protect, but as I'm concerned, you do anything but!" Marissa yelled out. The Cosmic force was enangered and he started glowing, then he blew up.

"Is everyone ok?" Miles asked, who now was looking totally different

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"Is everyone ok?" Miles asked, who now was looking totally different.

"What happened?" Ganke asked.

"I don't know. But, I love it!" Marissa said, looking at her hands. They were glowing a green blue mixture.

"Should we continue to look for our guy?" Miles asked. Everyone agreed to it. They went into a elevator, that lead them to a secret area downstairs.

"What is this place?" Ganke asked.

"It might be Miguel's work area." Peter answered. They opened the door, and saw  person at a table, studying something on the lab table.

"Let me guess: Multiverse issues?" He asked.

"How'd you know?" Miles asked.

"I watch over the multiverse with this screen." He responded.

"Are you Miguel O'Hara?"

"Yeah. I'm upgrading my suit. I could really use some help."

So, Ganke, Peter, Miles, and Miguel worked on Miguel's suit. While at it, Miles created his own suit. When they were done, they had two new fully enhanced suits.

Miguel's suit

Miguel's suit

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Miles' suit

"Okay, then

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"Okay, then. Where are heading to next?" Miguel asked.

"Earth 616. They need our help." Miles answered.

I finally got another chapter of this book done. It's so close to being done. I will do some bonus chapters to make it longer.
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