Chapter 25:Terry's help

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Miles and Jefferson looked at each other in shock.

"Dad? How did you get in here?"

"How did you get in here?"

"It was my fault." Phin groaned, laying her head back. Miles uncovered her abdomen, revealing the blood on it.

"Dad, I'm going to get her to a hospital. Where is Mom?"

"At work."

Miles took off swinging, with Phin in his arms. He swung to the hospital his mom worked at, and went straight to her, without checking in.

"MOM! SHE'S BLEEDING!" Miles yelled.

Rio took Phin to a room that was empty for abdomen treatment, while Miles waited in the waiting room. As Miles waited, Miles thought to himself about many things. How was he gonna beat Storm? Where was the rest of the team? Will they even get to the other villains? In all his train of thoughts, Miles left the hospital and went to... What was left of his house. He sat down, on the couch for a few minutes, thinking the whole situation through.

"Hey." Peter from Earth 616 greeted, sitting by him.

"Pete? Hey, wassup." Miles replied.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked, taking a seat by him.

"Thinking this whole thing through. We still need to stop Strom and the Sinister Six." Miles responded.

"And, we will. First, we need to get more help." Peter suggested. That's when Miles had an idea.

"Alright. First, we go to this address. Then, we make me a new suit. The one I'm wearing is not working right now." Miles said. Peter and Miles took off swinging, trying their best to avoid all the multiverse chaos.

"I thought Strom got rid of the tunnel." Peter shouted.

"He must've opened it back up." Miles  replied. When they finally got to their destination, the building was still standing.

"Alright, Peter. You recruit this guy. I'm gonna go make a new suit and find my sister. Miles instructed. Peter nodded. Oh, and the resident's name is Terrence Wilson. " Miles told Peter, right before leaving. Peter rung the doorbell. A few seconds later, Terry opened the door, looking at Peter.

"Can I help you?" Terry asked.

"Yeah, I'm Peter Parker. A friend of mine needs your help." Peter informed the teen.

"Who is this friend?" Terry asked, leaning against the door.

"Spider-Man. The new one. From this Universe." Peter answered. Terry gave Peter a shocked look, before letting Peter in.


"Spider-Man knows about.... My.... Symbiote?" Terry asked.

"Yeah. We need as much as help we can get to stop this guy. " Peter explained. Terry nodded and smiled.

"I'm in. I'll help you fight this guy and save the multiverse. " Terry said. Peter smiled, and stood up.

"Alright, let's move.  Peter said. Oh, by the way, what's your symbiote's name?"



Miles was in the Organization Headquarters, making another brand new suit.


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"Alright. Thank for letting me borrow the suit maker, KC." Miles said.

"No problem. If there is anything you need, just tell me." KC confirmed.

"Actually, do you mind coming with me to find my sister?" Miles asked.

"No, actually. I can come."

"Okay, okay, good. Let's move." Miles said.

So, there you have it. Terry is recruited, and Trina Morales is next. I help you enjoyed this little chapter.

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