Chapter 12:SHIELD VS HYDRA PT 3/The Sinister 6

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In the lab area, Peter looked around for a red serum. He used his AI, Karen to check all the shelves for them. Then, he heard screaming, and them saw the door slide open. Six villains walk in. They were Toxin, Tinkerer, Claw, Prowler, and Shadow. They agressivly search the lab, as Peter crawled on the ceiling, trying not to get caught by the villains. But, Toxin's spider sense went off. So, while the rest of the villains searched for then, Toxin was looking for Spider-Man. He was on the ceiling, crawling towards Spider-Man. He had no choice but to kick the villain, so he could throw him off his trail.

So, when Toxin got close enough, Peter gave Toxin a nice kick on the chest. But, what the hero didn't expect was to pulled down with the villain. So, he was spotted.

Tinkerer:Kill him. Now!

Shadow:No problem.

At first, Peter had no idea what to do. So, when Shadow turned into dark cloud, Peter ran for the exit. On his way out, he accidentally knocked the serum off of the shelf. So, he used his webs to catch it and leave. As he left, HYDRA agents started firing guns at him, but he was dodging their shots. Peter escaped, almost dropping the serum on his way out.

In Peter's head: great, now HYDRA'S got a new target. At least I won't have to deal with them when I get back to my homeworld.

As Peter escaped the facility, he was being pursued by the villains, with Toxin being the main one going after him. The symbiote grabbed Peter, and slammed him to the ground, with the serum flying out of his hands. But, someone caught the serum. His spider suit was blue, and it was made out of a carbon fiber vibranium.

Spider-Man 2099:Need some help?

Peter:Yes, please help.

So, Spider-man 2099 webbed the serum to a roof nearby and helped Peter with the villains he was fighting. After the defeat of the villains, they were able to get it back to S.H.I.E.L.D. After they put it back, they went to a roof of a building, and started talking to each other.

Miguel:So, this is not your homeworld?

Peter:Nope. Not at all. I'm trying to get out of here, but it's hard to do that with these villains out here chasing me, then there's HYDRA who is also trying to kill me. So, I hope I make it out of here alive.

Miguel:You said there was other spider people?

Peter:Yeah I did.

Miguel: Where are they? Are they around?

Peter:No. They are asleep right now. Why.

Miguel:They could help us. We can defeat these crazy villains, then find some kind of collider. There, we could go back to our homeworlds.

Peter:I know Roxxon has a collider in this dimension. So, we could use that.

Miguel:Thank you, Peter. For now, I need to find a hotel to stay at. See you later.

So, Peter swung off, and went Aunt May's house. He noticed how messed up her house was from the house battle, earlier. But, he decided not to let it bother him.

At Miles' house, Kelly, and Miles were researching HYDRA. Miles was supposed to be asleep, but he couldn't sleep, and neither could Kelly. So, here they were, getting as much information on HYDRA as possible.

Kelly:What we know so far is that these guys infiltrated SHIELD. Right?

Miles:Yeah, I did, and I have a plan to leading to their defeat.

Kelly:Oh yeah? What is it?

Miles:So, I say we send some of our friends, disguised as HYDRA agents to infiltrate the facility. From there, we could get the details for their plan, so we could get rid of them.

Kelly:Or, the Avengers could help us. Black Widow is literally a SHIELD agent. She could go undercover, so we can plan an attack them.

Miles:You always have to take the fun out of things. But sure, I guess your plan is good too, but I don't see how is to any different from mine.

Kelly: Because, we are sending someone with more experience.

Miles:Ok good point. For right now, we should really go to sleep. You know, school?

Kelly:Yeah, I guess your right. See you tomorrow.


The next morning, Miles swung to school, met up with Kelly, and Ganke.

Miles: There's also a Spider-Woman. But, I haven't met her yet.

Ganke:Do you think Black Widow will say yes? I mean, she is busy being an Avenger and all.

Kelly:I guarantee you she will. The Avengers haven't had a mission in months.

Miles:I'm sure this SHIELD/HYDRA issue will get their attention.

Ganke:Yeah, it probably will.

Miles:My spider sense is tingling.

Just then, Terry grabbed Miles and slammed him against the lockers.

Terry:Alright Morales tell me what's going on! You've been acting weird.

Miles:Why the hell do you care?

Kelly:Just leave him alone, Terry. He doesn't want anything to do with you.

Terry:Listen, blondey. This is between me and Miles. So, back off.

Ganke grabbed Terry by the shirt and slammed him into the wall.

Ganke:Do that to Miles again, and I swear I will

Terry:You'll do what?

Ganke:You know what, nevermind.

Miles:Terry nothing is going on with me. So, get on somewhere.

Ganke let go of Terry, and they went on.

Miles:What do think happened to Wanda?

Ganke:I actually know why she was here.


Ganke:S.W.O.R.D sent some interdimensional guys to Earth 616 to collect a vibranium android. Worth billions of dollars. They decided to hide it in this school for some reason. When Wanda found out they hid it here, she came to this world, and went to go look for him.

Miles:Where did you hear that from?

Ganke:I read their website.

Kelly:Maybe, if can bring back to the android, he can help us.

Miles:What are we gonna do with him once we're done?

Ganke:Let him live his life.

Miles:Seems like a plan.

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