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Wanting to prove herself and her skills to her father and the mafia, Ava Stone finds herself undercover in Greenlake High, trying to uncover its students' deepest secrets. What she didn't expect was that Noah White, her main victim, wouldn't make things for her as easy as she thought.

A/N (please read)

Hello everyone and welcome to 'Lie To Me'. I'm quite excited to, after months of work, finally be sharing Noah and Ava's story with you :)

This is my second book on Wattpad. The first one is 'The Dark Ghosts' and, if you already haven't, it would mean the world to me if you checked it out while you wait for LTM updates. (That's if you want to of course, there's no need to read that other book to understand this one as they're both totally independent stories that have nothing to do with one another.)

Before you ask, I don't have a schedule and I don't know how frequent I'll update, but I always try not to make you wait for long, so maybe around once/ twice a week (no promises though). Please be patient, I always try my best!

Do NOT copy this story! All rights are reserved to me. Copies, adaptations, translations, distributions, etc. won't be tolerated. If you see another user with this story here or in any other platform (this book is published only on Wattpad), I would be so grateful if you let me know.

English isn't my first language, so, even though I try not to make any, I apologize beforehand for any mistakes. Feel free to correct me.

I love interacting with my readers, so don't hesitate to leave a comment or vote so I can know your opinions, thoughts and theories throughout the story and which chapters you like the most. But please, no hateful comments, whether it is towards me, the book or another reader.

I don't usually put face claims of the characters as I'd like you to imagine them however you like, but if you want me to add them, just ask and I will search for some pics that seem somewhat similar to the images in my head :)

The photo used in the cover is not mine, I only own the editing. This also goes for all the pictures/ songs I may use throughout the story (which will be taken from Pinterest/ YouTube), so all the rights go to their rightful owners.

This is a work of fiction. All the names, places, businesses, etc. are product of my imagination. Any resemblance/ similarity to reality is pure coincidence. Greenlake is also a fictional city, which would be situated near NYC. — This also means that you might disagree with a character's opinion or attitude (even I do sometimes), but keep in mind that being fiction means it's not real.

This book contains mature topics and scenes that may result triggering, them being violence, swearing, abuse and some mental health issues such us depression and panic attacks. Please, keep this in mind before reading.

And lastly, thank you for giving my book a chance! You don't even know how much your support means to me. Hope you all enjoy it! Happy reading :)

Aria D.

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