C2; Week of Pain

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*Grounded for a week. Just because of an accident. And worse, he couldn't even explain what happened. Poor Lincoln. He wakes up hoping it's just another nightmare... sadly, it was reality. No comics, no games, no hanging with friends. Day 1 has it starting as Leni is the one serving him his breakfast; a piece of toast, no butter & it has a bite mark in it. A bowl of cereal wouldn't have been fine?*

LENI: Here you go Linky!

LINCOLN: Thank you Leni.

LENI: Can you help me with a new wardrobe I'm planning?

LINCOLN: But, I'm grounded.

LENI: But I need help. Please?

LINCOLN: *Sigh* Fine.

*He eats his toast & waits when the coast is clear. He helps her out by being her mannequin, again. After a bit of poking & constant do overs, she takes Lincoln back to his room, & he sits back on his bed, rubbing the spots she poked him. The sole Loud boy then realizes something that irks him.*

LINCOLN: (Are my other sisters gonna do the same thing? No, of course not. They wouldn't-)

*His thought was interrupted by a knock on his door. Opening it was Luna.*

LUNA: Dude, I need help packing some stuff.

LINCOLN: (They would.) I'm grounded, remember?

LUNA: Bro, everyone else is busy. It won't take that long.


LUNA: Aw yeah!

*Throughout this entire week, Lincoln was forced to do favors for his sisters, despite many close calls of his parents catching him. Luan wanted to practice her pie throwing for the rest of today. Next day, Lucy needed help with a poem for a pet funeral, Lisa wanted to test a new chemical that temporarily made him deaf, & it was apparently his turn to change Lily's diaper. The day after, Lana needed extra hands for repairing the kitchen sink, & the bathtub. At least that was a breather, despite the horrid smells. The fourth day was the worst; LJ made him dress up in a copy of the old squirrel suit & attacked him with hockey pucks to practice for an upcoming hockey game & Lori used him as a ottoman to paint her nails, again. Tired & in a lot of pain, Lincoln passes out on his bed for another night of sleep, cueing the repeating nightmare. The nightmare has gotten worse, as the monster had started TALKING to Lincoln & it was getting faster now.*

MONSTER: Come back!

LINCOLN: Leave me alone!

*He made to the door, begging for help as he banged on it, & yet again shot awake in a pool of sweat when it lunged at him. The final day of his grounding was today. Lincoln sighs in relief as it was almost over.*

LINCOLN: Tomorrow's our family trip to Dairyland. Then I can forget about this entire week.

*Dairyland, the one place Lincoln could throw all his cares away. It wouldn't be the best in Lincoln's opinion, but it's in the top three for sure. A fun day of rides & prizes awaits, all he has to do is wait it out today.*

LINCOLN: (Hopefully none of my sisters need me.)

*He was dead wrong about that. Banging from the door & forcing it open is none other than Lola.*

LINCOLN: What do you want Lola?

LOLA: I'm throwing a special tea party & I need a butler. Think you can handle that Linky?

LINCOLN: No! (Where did that come from!?)

LOLA: What was that?

LINCOLN: I'm still grounded, remember? It's my last day & I don't want to take a risk for our parents finding me.

LOLA: Well if that's the case, I just hope Daddy doesn't find out about what really happened to his favorite disco ball.

LINCOLN: What!? I thought you took the fall for that!

LOLA: I only told them what I did. Now suit up, or else!

*He groans as he puts on his clothes & heads down with her. Once downstairs, he finds all of his sisters there sitting on the couch & immediately he understands that the tea party is just pretend. He serves them cookies & juice (tea & crumpets as Lola forces him to call them.) & they are watching a romantic movie on the old TV from the basement that Lisa fixed up. It's not even a good one at best.*

LINCOLN: *Annoyed.* More tea ma'am?

LENI: I thought it was juice.

LORI: Just take it Leni.

LENI: Oh, okay.

LOLA: More crumpets butler!

LINCOLN: *Frustrated.* Yes ma'am.

*He heads into the kitchen, only to get hit by a drool covered cookie that Lily threw when he hears something behind him. He can't get mad at her, she's a baby. Luna watches him leave & starts feeling guilty.*

LUNA: Dudes, are we being too hard on him?

LJ: He deserves it!

LUCY: He has been helping us all week.

LENI: Maybe we should-

LS: Kids we're home!

*All of the sisters gulp at that. Lincoln walks out & sees them. They however, don't look very happy seeing him outside of his room.*

RITA: Lincoln Albert Loud! What do you think you're doing?


LS: I know it's your last day, but that doesn't mean you get to reward yourself!


RITA: You better an explanation young man!

LINCOLN: Lola made me!

LS: Lola, is this true?

*Lola sweats a little, but answers them quickly with a glare to her brother.*

LOLA: I had no idea he was down here! He's clearly lying!

*This shocked Lincoln, even when his sisters backed her up. None of them wanted to admit they were taking him out to do favors.*

RITA: Now you're lying to us?


LS: Don't talk to your mother that way!

LINCOLN: But I'm telling you the truth! How can you be this dumb!?

*Veins of anger appeared on the parents heads from that remark, with the sisters backing away in fear. Poor choice of words Lincoln.*

LS: THAT'S IT! You just lost your weekend too buster!

LINCOLN: But that's our family trip to Dairyland!

LS: Well now you're not going.

RITA: You'll be staying with Aunt Ruth while we're gone.

*The sisters & their father shudder at that thought.*


LS: Go to your room.

*With no choice, Lincoln walks away, defeated. Heading up the stairs, he hears his mother say one thing.*

RITA: I thought we raised you better than this.

*Ouch. That stung Lincoln worse than a brain freeze. He walks into his room, lays down on his side away from the door, & starts crying.*

LINCOLN: (Why? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this!?)

*The white haired thirteen year old cries the night away, passing out after three hours. A fun family weekend ruined by his sisters & they don't seem to care. He dreads the day tomorrow as it comes closer after every hour. Poor Lincoln.*

Done. This was a tough one to write. (In both ways.) Don't worry, it'll brighten up soon. Just gotta be patient...

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