Entracne Exams pt 2

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Izuku rushes in and Uraraka looks up and starts running in as-well while everybody else stands their shocked.

Present Mic:Hey those two have the right idea, there's no count downs in the real world Go!!!

Everybody starts running in
Izuku is already ahead and c
reates 30 shadow clones so they can spread around the battlefield quick and they start destroying robots fast.

Uraraka tries to stay ahead of everyone else but making her suit weightless. She then uses her quirk to lift robots and drop them from super high.

Shoku uses her ice mirror jutsu to travel around the field faster. She destroys five 2 pointers in a row but doesn't see a 3 pointer right behind her about to strike.  She turns around only for it to be destroyd by a Rasengan.

Shoku: Izu?

Izuku clone 4: Sorry just a clone, but please try to be more careful next time.

Shoku smiles and gets back on track trying to not be out done.

On the other side of the field Bakugo is blasting all the robots to pieces dominating this area.

Izuku clone 26: I should dispell so the other clones know not to come to this area. Bakugo isn't letting anyone else get any points over here and it would be a waste to try and compete.

Inside the viewing area

All the news reporters sit and record from a room with tons of cameras across the battle field.

Itachi stares at a screen with Haise on it.

A couple rooms over the teachers are inside watching.

Midnight: Wow so many really strong candidates this year.

Snipe: Yeah that ice boy Todooki Shoto completely trapped all the robots of on that side so they couldn't get away and group up.

Present mic: Look at the Izumi girl though. She's been shredding all the robots while also helping anyone on her side.

All Might and Titan smile at hearing this.

Nezu: Yes but I'm more interested in those three.

All the teachers look over to the screens Nezu were pointing at.

On one Shoku uses her ice mirror jutsu to destroy robots while also sving some tired or hurt examinees.

On another Haise is seen in his lightning armor ripping through tons of robots with ease. His look in his eye is completely calm and serious.

On the last 5 Izuku's are seen. 3 saving people, 1 healing, and another attacking while he also has more clones across the battlefield.

Nezu: We belive that those three are actually team 7.

The teachers gasp.

Eraserhead: We know for sure Haise is Shisui, and we suspect Izuku and Shoku to be Demon Fox and Icicle but couldn't prove it.

Eraserhead thoughts: Technically I could prove it by showing how their chakra signurates are the same but I told them I wouldn't tell on them.

All Might thoughts: I had a feeling about this ever since we caught young Uchiha. But hearing it out loud is jarring.

Titan thoughts: Oh Izuku I wish we could've been there for you.

Nezu: Well, deploy the second year robots and ready the third year.

Everyone in the room is completely shocked.

Vlad: For the first years?

Nezu: These kids are hardly first years.

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