kyuubi's awakening

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It's been 2 years since the fight with Izumi and her group. The trio is now 10. Since then everyone at school hasn't dared to lay a finger on Izuku. Most people just ignore him. Some like Izumi and her group will still call him names and push him but never when Hasie is with him which is almost all the time now.

Haise has been helping the two of them train in taijustu styles. Haise himself uses a style that focuses on speedy offensive attacks. Shoku uses one based on an old ice user named haku which is speedy attacks but more defensive and patient. Izuku uses one based on Naruto Uzumaki which focuses on unpredictable and random attacks.

They would come to Haise's house after school some days and all train together. After wards Haise's mom would make them dinner and sometimes if he had time Itachi would play games with them. Izuku in the passed year has already spent more time with the Uchiha's then he ever has with the Yagi's since he was diagnosed as quirkless.

On one Friday afternoon Izuku was walking home taking the long way when he heard nosie's behined him and then watched everything go to darkness as he was knocked out.

The next day Shoku found it weird that both Haise and Izuku didn't come to their hangout spot and went to go find them. First she stopped by Izuku's but Izumi said she thinks he left already or something. So she wasn't very helpful.
Then she started heading to Haise's but saw him in the park looking for something.

Shoku: Hey Haise!"

Haise: Sorry for ditching you guys but a group of thieves stole a scroll from our library and we think that they went this way somewhere. Some of the guards wounded a few so we don't think they got fall.

Shoku: Don't worry about it I was just wondering if you have seen Izuku anywhere.

Haise: Shouldn't he be with you.

Shoku: I don't know he didn't text me last night but I thought maybe he was tired but then he didn't show up today either. I already went to his home but he wasn't their.

A worried expression then begins to show on Haise's face as he begins to go into deep thought.

Haise: The day we met Izuku was walking through this park because he doesn't like to go home early and it's out of the way from Bakugo and Shoto-He pasued for moment while thinking but then continued- it might be possible he ran into the thieves who stoll our scroll if they really did head this way.

Shoku's eyes widened.

Shoku: But that doesn't make sense. What would they want with Izuku?

Haise: I'm not sure, but it could have something to do with why most of the adults in my compound don't like being around him. They say they can sense evil inside of him.

Shoku looks at Haise with determination in her eyes.

Shoku: Well then. Just incase that is true I will help you look for those thieves. And if a full day passes we will be able to put the missing person case in for him.

Haise nods in agreement but has other thoughts.

Haise thoughts: If Izuku truly is missing, no one's going to bother themselves looking for a quirkless kid. It's up to us to find him.

With Izuku

Izuku wakes up in an old warehouse. His vision is foggy but he is able to hear voices talking near by.

Thief 1: We need the kid, only a tailed beast can read this inscription.

Their 2: Yeah but between him and our injured we will never get away at this pace. Unless maybe we have him read it now translate it and then get rid of him.

Izuku gulped at the sound of that. And what did they mean tailed beast. The two men walked over to him.

Thief 1: Listen kid we need you to read this paper

Izuku looked at it and noticed he was chained to a wall by both hands. He grabbed the paper and then looked back up to them.

Izulu: I-i-I can't r-read this."

Theif 2: Cut the crap kid we know your a jinchuuriki.

Theif 1: Wait what if he doesn't know he is one tho"

They then call over their other members and start talking while Izuku questions what's going on.

Izuku thoughts: tailed beast, jinchuuriki? Does that mean I'm a beast? Huh AM I A MONSTER!?!?"

Izuku then looks up and sees the men all standing around him while doing hand signs. They then shout out in unison " tailed beast awakening" And everything goes black for Izuku.

Thief 1: Well now we wait.

Theif 3: This sure is a lot of trouble." Another one states this one seemly injured.

Their 4: Yes but lord orochimaru will be pleased if we bring him back the forbidden scroll of Hokage. To think it would be in the Uchiha's possession."l

Inside Izuku's mind

Izuku wakes up in a sewer like place. He stands up and begins to study around him and then sees a giant cage behind him. Insdie a pair of big eyes stare back at him. Izuku stumbles back as he looks at the huge creature. It starts to Step forward revealing it self to be a huge fox.

 It starts to Step forward revealing it self to be a huge fox

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????: Finally, you've come to see me, kit.

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