The Hero's Path Begins

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Shoku: W-w-what do you mean?

Haise: Exactly what I said, Shoku, let's run away.

Izuku and Shoku both looked at each other shocked by what they just heard.

Shoku: Haise,We can’t just run away, we have-

Haise: Have what exactly- Haise says after cutting her off- Families? Both yours treat you terribly and mine are gone now. Responsibilities? While the only thing we have to do is school and with our shadow clones we can just teach ourselves. We can run away and train for the U.A. entrance exams and then come back for the test. Plus we're gonna need someone to help us train, now that Itach-...... that I don’t have anyone to help train me I won't be able to train you guys.

Izuku then interjects

 Izuku: So basically you're saying we need a sensei.

Haise the nods.

Shoku: We still have Kurama to help us right?

Kurama: Tell the brats there is no way I’m being the soul sensei of all three of you. I said I would help not completely do the whole job, and as much as it pains me to say, I agree with the Uchiha's plan

Izuku: Yeah he said no, and that he agrees with Haise’s plan.

Confusing Shoku because Izuku’s conversation with Kuruma literally happened like 1 second after she brought up the idea, but making Haise smile because Kururma actually agreed with him, and on such an important matter. 

Haise: Look I’m gonna leave regardless, I can’t……. I just don’t really want to be here right now. I’ve already got a lead on a p[ossible sensei for us. He is one of the Saninin. Jiraiya the Gallant. The Sannin are the highest tier of Ninjas other than Kage and they are usually underground heroes. Which means you won't see them in the news really or on any of the pro hero rankings. If you decide to come meet me in the park tomorrow at 8:00pm. I really think this is the best decision for us. So please at least consider it, for me.

Haise finishes while putting up a fake smile on his face. Before either of them could respond one of the Nurses comes in and tells them visiting hours are over. Shoku and Izuku then sit down on a bench outside trying to collect their thoughts. 

Izuku: So shoku what are you planning on doing then?

Shoku: Whatever you chose to do Izu?

Izuku: No Shoku I’m serious, this is a big deal and I want t-

Shoku: I know it's a big deal, but I want to go wherever you are. I want to…….. To……..b-be with y-you, wherever you are.

Shoku says while blushing which in turn makes Izuku blush red as a tomato.

Izuku: Then, I guess we should get ready. We’ve got one day to prepare.

Shoku then looked back to him and smiled. They said their goodbyes and then went their separate ways. Izuku wasn't hundred percent all in with the plan, but he pulled out his phone and told Haise they were in.

Izuku went home and saw Inko and Toshinori along with Izumi waiting in the living room. Inko then looked excited when she saw him.

Inko: Oh Izuku are you o-

Izuku: Don’t do that.

They all looked at each other confused but then Izuku continued.

Izuku: Don’t act all motherly to me. You haven’t been my mother since I was four years old.

Inko already had tears start to well up in her eyes but held them back,

Inko: we are so sorry for everything we did. Please Izuku we just want another chance.

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