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Shoku: Hey Izu wake up.

Izuku opens his eyes to see a goddess(Shoku) sitting above him nudging him awake casuing him to blush.

Izuku thoughts: God please let me wake up like this everyday.

Izuku: Sho what time is it?

He replies while sitting up revealing his toned body from all the training from the past 4 years causing her to blush hugely

Shoku: u-u-m it's only 10, y-you slept in a little bit.

Izuku got up and put his shirt on while replying.

Izuku: Yeah because of Erasehead, he has really been on us lately.

Then the two got up and started walking to the kitchen while continuing to talk.

Shoku: Probably because of how active Haise has been lately."

Haise: Hey don't blame me love birds I'm just making sure things are safe in our city. The entrance exams are coming up in about a year.

Jiriya: Ok Haise don't tease them to much or they might blush so hard they will die. Although I could use them for some more last minute research.

Jiraiya replied while walking in and then smiling like an idiot.

Izuku then regained his composure and spoke

Izuku: I wouldn't even joke about that Pervy Sage. You rember what happened last time you tried to use us for research right?

Jiraiya then began to shake

Jiraiya: How could I forget, Shoku put me into the hospital. Maybe teaching her Tsunade's strength was a mistake.

Shoku then smiled to herself as she got her breakfast together.

Shoku: Hey Haise are you sure it's ok for us to stay here, we don't want to intrude at all- Shoku says while sitting down at the table-

Haise: Of course, I mean you don't have to stay in this house but I insist you stay in the Uchiha compound. Before this was where my family stayed, and now since you guys are my family now any of these houses are available for you to use.

Haise says while finishing his food and getting his Vigilante gear on.

A look of concern then crosses Izuku's face as he begins to speak.

Izuku: Haise are you sure you should go out right now. The Heroes have been patrolling more recent lately and it's broad daylight right now.

Haise: Don't worry about it Izuku I'll be fine. Besides, I've got a lead to follow on both Orochimaru and the League of Villans. I think that they are both getting ready for something.

Shoku then looked at Izuku and he just shrugged back.

Shoku: Well be careful at least. And if any thing goes wrong

Haise: I know I know, don't be afraid to call for back up. Don't worry I'll be fine Shoku, have I ever given you a reason to doubt me."

Jiraiya then scratched the back of his head.

Jirirya: Well I mean there was the time when you-

Haise: That was rhetorical, anyways see you guys later.

Haise then dissapeared.

Izuku: Hey sensei?

Jiriya: Woah you only call me Sensei if you want something or if something serious is happening.

Izuku chuckled.

Izuku: Yeah well, I guess I'm just worried about Haise, he's been a bit more violent ever since we came back to the compound. I'm worried that he's gonna do something that you can't come back from soon.

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