#1 hero of the shadows

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Madara: Oh I'm not here to fight, I just thought Young Haise might want to finally know the truth about his brother. About the fate of his clan.

Haise is pulled into a mindscape of darkness where only he and Madara remain.

Haise: Where are we? Where are the others?

Madara:Your in a genjutsu. One that allows me to show you things in a fraction of a second. We can spend hours in hero with only 1 second passing. I also can't harm in you here. It's a part of the limits of the genjutsu. But that doesn't matter because I don't want to. I ment what I said

Haise: To show me the truth about my brother and clan?

Madara: Yes. It's time you know.

The scene shifts to Nezus office.

Itachi kneels down infront of Nezu.

Nezu: Report.

Itachi: The clan is still dead set on revolting. My Father has convinced them all that we must regain our former glory.

Nezu: No hopes of persuading them?

Itachi: I fear not. Father has contacted Overhaul of the Yakuza clan. They plan to make an alliance between our forces and forcefully take over Japan. Overhaul even said he's devopling some kind of weapon that can defeat All Might. By nullifying his quirk somehow.

Nezu sighs as he looks out the window.

Nezu: The Uchiha clan has been around for generations. If they were to all train and use their sharingan to their full potential then I fear that Japan would fall to their might combined with Overhaul and the Yakuza.

Itachi: Sir, I understand. Just give me misson and it will be completed.

Nezu: Are you sure Itachi? You will be branded a villian. You'll never be able to live a normal life again.

Itachi: I know, I'm the only one capable of carrying this burden. Of stopping complete war. My only request is to let my little brother Haise live. I can't bear to kill him.

Nezu: Of course. I'll make sure he becomes a fine hero. I guess it's time to make this official. Itachi Uchiha. As the hidden Hokage of the leaf I give you the misson of exterminating the Uchiha Clan. And then living the rest of your life as a villian gathering info for the hero's.

Itachi nods as he stands up and begins to walk out the door.

Nezu: Itachi. The world will never know of your heroics. You truly are Japans number 1 hero tonight.

Itachi nods as he shuts the door.

Haise begins to shake as he feels a pit if despair in his stomach.

Haise: N-n-no this isn't t-true. Your lying. How would you even know all this?

Itachi: Did you here everything. It's finally time for you to do me that favor.

In the memory Madara walks out wearing a different mask.

Memory Madara: Yes, it's time to begin. Remember the deal. I need to take some of their eyes for myself.

Itachi nods as the walk away.

Madara: I was listening the whole time. I know cause I was there. Itachi wasn't a villian.


Madara: He didn't want you to think any less of the clan or you family.


Madara: He was dying anyways. He was sick Haise. He decided if he was going to die anyways it might as well have been while giving you the Mangekyo Sharingan. And letting you take his eyes to eventually implant them and get the eternal Mangekyo.

Haise begins to break down crying as the scene shifts to Uchiha compound with Itachi and Madara killing the entire clan. Then to when Itachi stabbed Haise all those years ago.

Itachi: You aren’t worth killing. Take the life of those closest to you and come face some day with the same eyes as me. Then and only then might you be able to stand up to me. Hate this world just as I did, and you will become powerful enough to stop me. Or don’t and know the man who took everything from you gets to live free.

As younger Haise passes out Itachi kneels down and uses some medical ninjutsu to heal Haise making sure he doesn't die before the ambulance gets to him. Tears begin to fall from Itachi's eyes as he gets up and leaves the compound. He notices Izuku coming and knocks him out before he can do anything.

Izuku: What d-did you d-do Itachi?

He mutters as his eyes close.

Itachi: What I had to. Sorry Izuku.

Itachi meets up with Madara outside of the compound.

Madara: So, ready to go.

Itachi: Yes. But one thing. Never tell Haise the truth. If you so much as lay a finger on him while I'm still alive. I'll kill you.

Madara: Oh, do you really think you could?

Itachi: Maybe not alone, but I would find a way. Haise needs to believe in our clans honor. So he carries our name proudly. So he becomes the hero who stopped his evil brother. That's the legacy I want him to have.

The memory ends as Haise dries his face and stands up. His sadness becomes anger as his Mangekyo glared a dark crimson red.

Madara: If you wish to see more proof. Inside of Nezu's office behind his portrait of the school is a secret safe that has his letters with Itachi from after Itachi left. Filling him in on potential villian attacks. I'm sure he probably warned about some of my own missions too. He was smart. Smarter than me. I wouldn't put it past him to be able to go behined my back without me figuring it out.

Madara sighs.

Madara: You may not want to hear it but the truth was. Your brother really did love you. The whole time.

More tears fall from Haise's eyes but he keeps the angered loom on his face.

Madara: After your done recovering and handling your personal business you can meet me back here if you wish to take out Overhaul. He coaxed your clan into joining them getting them killed. I have information on his compound and plans. I could fill you in on them for a price.

Haise: What price?

Madara: One we will discuss later. If you choose to accept.

Madara ends the genjutsu causing Haise to fall to the ground exhausted.

Toga: What did you do?

Madara: Exactly what I said I would do. Now if you want to consider that offer. You know where to meet me. Haise.

Madara swirls away leaving them all confused.

Dabi: Are you good Haise?

Haise looks up as he regains his compusre and stands. Memories of Itachi taking care of him run through his mind.


Haise: I need to check something out. See if what Madara told me was true or not. We're leaving now.

Why me.

Everybody is confused at what Haise saw in Madara's genjustu but Haise takes no time to explain it to them. He looks to be in a rush and a slight panic. He then looks over to Bakugo.

Haise: Are you sure you want to come with us? You'll be leaving everything behind.

Bakugo: I was the one that asked you to let me remember. Besides, I need to get stronger, to keep up with you guys. To protect Izumi and all them. I'll go rouge with you.

Haise nods as they all began to make their way, to UA.

Why am I forced to always suffer?

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