~28~ [The End]

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Also, brace yourselves. This will be a lot to take in so I apologize in advance.

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Techno opened his eyes immediately after feeling pain in his lower abdomen. He saw a pair of hands wrapping a bandage around his belly. "Should we take him to the hospital?" Lou Fei asked. Techno looked at the situation and answered the question for them. "No. I'll be fine. It's just a flesh wound." Techno said while getting up. He looked around and found that Kris was tied up and seated on the bed next to Arts body. 

"Am sorry," Kris said in a soft voice. "I didn't mean to do it. I was just...angry."  His eyes were red from his crying but now his face lacked emotion. 

"Why did you attack Kla?" Techno asked curious about his behavior. Kris looked at Art before answering the question. "When I saw what Kla did to Art, I wanted to hurt him. I didn't mean to hurt you and now that I think about it. I shouldn't be angry. Art never cared about me..."

Kla frowned not quite getting what Kris was going on about. 

"All he went on about was you. He never gave me a glance, not even once yet I loved him."

Techno held his abdomen. "Loved?"

"Yes... Loved. I don't anymore. Now that I realize how stupid I was for even liking him." Kris said these words while keeping his eyes on the lifeless body.

"The shit I go through..." Kla said getting his belongings.

"Wait. Are you leaving?"

"Yea... We are leaving."

"What about Kris? And Art?"

"What about them? I'll have someone deal with Art and Kris... While... I don't want him back in my house so..."

Kris kept his emotionless face. "Am fine with that. I don't want to go back either."

Techno watched Kengkla pack his things. While Kla did that, Techno went to untie Kris. Even after untieing him, he still sat there on the bed.  "You deserve better than that you know." Kris looked up to Techno after he spoke his words. "Someone like Art doesn't deserve any love."  

"Hey! Let's go, I want to stop by the clinic for that wound of yours." Kla became impatient. He wanted to get out of there and go home. He didn't think his life would be so dramatic.  

"I really am sorry Techno... I hope he's okay." Kris said before Techno left. He wasn't as petty as Art but what he had done he regretted.

Techno gave him a smile. One filled with pity, Lou Fei accompanied them out and made sure to remind them to go to the hospital. "I'll be fine. I've seen worse." Techno still tried to push the idea that he was fine.

A few hours on a plane and they had returned but it didn't take long for Techno to notice the growing pain in his abdomen. He tried ignoring it but when it was time to get in the car he fell right to the floor. The events that followed were a blur to Techno. He only remembered being picked up and waking up in the hospital. To his right sat Kengkla, displaying a sad face.

"What happened?" Techno asked but Kla didn't dare look up to face him. A moment of silence passed before a doctor walked in with the same expression that Kla carried on his face. Techno looked between the two not understanding what was going on.

"What happened? ... Is the - tell me his fine." When no one reassured him, his eyes began tearing up. A heart aching pain grew in his chest making it hard for him to breathe. The tears fell from his broken eyes, acid-like rivers made trails down his now bright pink cheeks. 

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