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"Khun Kla! I have arrived. Hurry and open up before the food gets cold." Lou Fei stood outside the door with a few of some dishes he put together to give to Kengkla. Art quickly thought about not opening the door as it would give him away. He stood behind the door and just kept quiet.

"Khun Kla? Are you inside? I want to hear more about that lovey boy... Techno. He seems to make you so happy."

After hearing these words Art opened the door. For Lou Fei, seeing Art was a surprise. "Aww, Art... What are you doing here?" Lou Fei asked while looking behind the boy.

"I came with Kengkla."

Lou Fie knew that Art was Kengkla's assistant but he also knew that Kla didn't allow just anyone to enter his room. He nodded but keep his eyes looking for Kla. When he didn't see him, he looked for anything that might be suspicious.

Art looked the old man up and down. "Should I give that to him?" He extended his hands to receive the food.

"Ah, yes. he likes these. I also got something for Techno. Please make sure he gets them."

Art pulled a smile. It was hard to do so nut he did it nonetheless. While taking the dishes Art mistakenly let the door go. It opened just enough for Lou Fei to see a body unnaturally sitting on a chair. Art noticed his mistake and went to grab the door quickly. This just made Lou Fei's suspicions grow. He pulled a smile at Art and turned to leave.

Art watched him leave. As soon as he was out of sight he threw the food into a nearby bin. He went back and closed the door. "We don't need old men like him, I can continue cooking for you. I know you like it." Art fixed Kengkla's sitting position so that he was able to sit on his lap. "It can just be me and you." He went on to play with his hair. "I would have told you earlier before Techno came into our life but you were still hung up on Earth and I was afraid you wouldn't accept me because I am unable to bear."

kla's hands slightly moved but this, Art didn't notice. He kept on playing with Kla's hair. "You weren't supposed to fall in love with him..."

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Techno continued out his day feeling alone. Technic and Tay did come back but they went out again. This time he wasn't informed for what.

As time seemed to slow down Kengkla's house phone rang. Techno didn't know whether to answer or ignore it. It rang again and this time Techno went to answer it.

"Hello?"  A rough voice spoke and Techno knew immediately who it was. "Lou Fei? Why are you calling here?"

"Techno... Am sorry to just call but I just came from Kengkla's room and Art was there. Something didn't seem right."

Techno frowned. "Did you tell anyone?"

"No, just you."

Techno let out a heavy sigh. He didn't know exactly what was happening but he didn't like that Lou Fei had to call him to inform him of something. He agreed with Lou Fei that he would fly over. After hanging up he looked for Kris.

"You want to go to China?"

"Yes... I know you can make it happen, I've seen it before." It didn't take long for Kris to do as was asked of him. It took him a few calls and money but he was able to get himself and Techno onto a plane.

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It had been a while and Kengkla was beginning to wake up. Art was no longer in the room but he did hear movement in the bathroom. He took a look at the knots tied upon his wrists, they weren't tight at all. He would be able to get them off in a few hand movements. And as he had thought they came right off. Kla took a moment before standing up from the chair as he was still feeling dizzy.

The bathroom door opened and Art walked out with a bathrobe on. His eyes wide open as he looked Kla straight in the eyes. "Your awake?" Art asked in a soft voice, trying to hide his fear.

He tentatively took a few steps forward hoping to calm Kengkla down. "If you want I can get you your favorite drink." Art picked up a drink he had already prepared in fear of Kla waking up. When Kla looked at it, It reminded him of everything that Art did to him and Techno. He frowned as the memories feed his anger.

In a blink of an eye, Kla had knocked the drink out of Art's hands and pushed him onto the bed. "Kla, calm down!" Arts words did not affect Kla. He tried getting up but he was too slow. Kla had pressed his body onto Arts and placed his large hands around Art's fragile neck. "I know you love me! Just try to forget about Techno..."

"Kla... Stop!" Art tried screaming but it seemed as if every time he opened his mouth, Kla's hands would get tighter and tighter, stopping the flow of oxygen. "Kla stop, Please..."

 Kengkla didn't stop even after Art couldn't speak anymore. Arts arms and legs would move around viciously but that didn't hinder Kla's actions.  He kept strangling Art up until the last words came out. "I love you." After which his body went still. No more movement. Kla still kept his hands around Arts neck for a few minutes then got off his body. He looked as Art's body lay there lifeless.

Kla backed up and sat down on the floor letting his head hang low in-between his legs. 

He closed his eyes but after a few minutes of silence. A knock was heard. Not short after Techno's voice came through. Kla stood up heading for the door. Techno and Kris stood outside.

"Are you okay?"

Kengkla ignored the question and grabbed Techno, pulling him in for a hug. Techno was in shock at first but then let Kla hug him. He only noticed the body on the bed when Kris went to sit next to it. "Did you...?" Techno was afraid to ask the question but Kla seemed to know exactly was he wanted to ask so he nodded. 

Kris closed the robe as it was open and displayed Art's naked body. Kris closed his eyes and let all his masked emotions finally show. Kla let go of Techno wanting to talk to Kris about what to do with Arts body. What he didn't expect was Kris lunging at him with a knife in hand. 

Techno stepped back as the two got closer to him. "Kris what are you doing?!" Techno asked in confusion. Kla kept dodging the strikes that kept coming his way. He managed to push Kris away a few times but he would keep coming back with more force. It was tiering Kla out but he took a large step filled with energy and pushed Kris away. Kris stumbled back, knife in hand impaling it into something soft behind him. When he pulled it out he found that the knife was covered in blood.

When Kla saw what Kris had done, he knocked him out, watching as he fell to the floor then rushing to Techno's side.  Techno looked into Kengkla's eyes while trying to cover his wound.

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Hope you enjoyed reading even though it was rubbish

thanks for supporting and until next time

your author - teekay^^


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