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"Well? Can I?"

"Yes but I strongly suggest you stay... Your weak and it's late now... Better you wait until you're more healthy."

Techno rolled his eyes. He didn't respond as he had already set his mind. He wasn't going to stay here, especially after almost dying. He needed to ho home. Return to his brother. Have his moment before his life completely came crashing down.

After the doctor left, Techno immediately got out of bed and began preparing to leave the hospital. The dresser near his bed had his clothes that he came in with but his pants had a large blood stain on them. He wouldn't be able to wear them. In a state of panic Techno looked around and luckily found a pair of scrubs, a shirt and pants but he only took the pants as he planned on wearing his shirt.

Putting on the slippers proved by the hospital he went straight to the door and looked out for Kengkla. He knew that he would try stop him so he wanted to leave with out him knowing.

Luckily he didn't see him. Maybe he decided to go home or went on a detour.... Techno really didn't care. This was his opportunity to leave.

He opened the door and went straight to the exit. Techno had to avoid a nurse on his way out but he didn't make a move to approach him.

He succeeded in his journey and found himself at the front entrance of the hospital. He didn't have his phone on him so he couldn't call a cab or his brother. He would have to wait for a local taxi.

Kengkla had went to buy himself a cup of coffee as he had planned to stay at the hospital as long as Techno did. When he returned he found the door to Techno's room  open. He approached it and found it to be empty. Looking left and right he found a nurse standing not far from where he stood. He approached him and asked if he saw Techno leaving his room.

"Yea... He left a few minutes ago... Went that way."

Fear growing in his gut he picked up his belongings and went on his own quest. He carefully examined the halls and rooms on his way making sure that Techno wasn't in any of them. When his journey brought him to the front entrance he thought the worst.

Taking hasty steps he opened the doors and looked around. To his relief, he saw exactly what he hoped to see.

He walked up to him. "You can't be out here... You're still weak... It's not good for you or the baby."

Techno tried ignoring him. Turning his back towards him and looking away.

"Techno... Please. I don't know why you're so angry at me... Am trying to help you."

And that was it. Techno turned around with a frown on his face. "You don't know why am angry? You don't know what you did?!"

"Hey... Hey. Calm down, am not trying to get you angry again... It will increase your blood pressure."

"Then go away... I don't want to see you." He hated that Kengkla was right. All he wanted to do was scream at him but it would help him, in fact it would worsen his situation.

A moment of silence passed then Kla broke it. "Where are you going? I can give you a ride. If you don't want to go back into the hospital then fine but let me take you where ever you are trying to go."

This was tempting to Techno. He only then began to realize that his legs were in pain. Now all he wanted to do was get home as quickly as possible even if it ment going with Kengkla.

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