30~See you in Russia~

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Tobio walked to school shakily without the comfort of a hand to hold onto. His legs were as heavy as lead, and his shoulders had never hung so low. He did not carry a volleyball with him, and had gotten out of bed 20 minutes late.

The ground was flooded from the unwanted rainfall from the previous night, causing his shoes to soak uncomfortably.  The cloudy sky blocked the sunlight, the sunlight that would usually tint his skin a soft yellow, glazing it with it's warmth. The world would be stained by the colors of the sunrise, like a carefully crafted watercolor. The birds would sing as they flew through the shades happily.

Instead, Tobio received a dull gray morning, filled with no color at all.

Other than the quick paced feet beside his.

 "Hurry up, we're already late, let's not be any later!" The spiker tugged at his arm. "Tobio? C'mon, cheer up. You've been like this since last night!"

Kageyama did not answer.

The freak duo arrived at the gym, receiving concerned looks from every member, even Tsukishima offered his attention.

Suga POV

The two looked as though they had run a marathon the night before, which wasn't entirely untrue. Nobody had ever seen Hinata with eyebags this dark, but Tobio's blended right in with his otherwise gloomy face. They appeared to be both dehydrated and starving at the same time, and although they tried their best to look calm, the terror behind their eyes was unmistakable.

"Sorry we're late," Hinata faked a smile to avoid questioning, something he hasn't had to do in a long time. "Long night."

Tobio was expecting Tanaka and Noya to start accusing them of having sex after Hinata's last remark, but to his surprise, they only stared at the two in shock. 

"Hinata," Suga walked over to the first-year, hoping to get a better read on his expression.

Shoyo looked back up at him with his faux grin, and deep, scarred eyes that looked a little darker than usual.

He stared at him, seeing he was not in the mood to be questioned. He gave him a genuine smile, seeing as though he could not have his own. The third-year bent down and brushed the hair out of his face before giving him a tight hug.

"I'm always here if you need me," he whispered softly, making sure nobody else would hear. "We all are, okay?"

Hinata gave him a squeeze, savoring every second of the embrace. 

Sugawara let go and held his shoulders. "All of us."

The ginger nodded, refusing to let his tears escape.

Daichi walked up behind the silver-haired boy, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "How about you and Kageyama take this morning off?" He offered. "You look like you need it."


"Alright, the tournament is coming up, and we have a lot to improve on!" Daichi yelled across the gym as the team started training. 

Everyone except three.

Suga, Tobio, and Shoyo sat in the back corner together in silence. 

The freaks looked half awake, while their upperclassman monitored their wellbeing.

Wow, the freak duo actually agreed to skip practice? This must really be bad.

"Would you be willing to tell me what happened?" He asked hesitantly. "I want to see if there's anything I can do to help, I can't stand to see you two like this. 

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