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Hinata POV

The freak duo sat underneath a large tree next to Karasuno. The only thing visible to them through the pitch black night and heavy rainfall was the yellow-stained streetlight that faded down into the fog. 

Hinata trembled as he held onto himself and the soaking wet t-shirt of his boyfriend's that he wore like a dress, with nothing but his boxers on underneath. Tobio sat next to him wearing only some dirty pants, and had one arm holding onto the ginger for dear life. Both boys were almost completely covered in mud and grass from the shoulders down, making it even harder to warm up.

Neither the gym nor any school buildings would allow themselves to be entered, but the two had just enough energy to hop the fence and get onto campus.

Although he refused to show it, the only thing keeping the setter from freezing alive was his sheer terror of what had happened. He replayed the event over and over in his mind, constantly thinking about what he should have done differently, and what he should do now. The boy racked his brain, straining to think of something, anything, that he could say to ease the mind of not only his quivering partner, but himself as well.

Although, the boy beat him to it.

"D- don't worry about me, Tobio," he choked out, as his teeth chattered from the cold. 

He looked down at the small boy in confusion. "How did you-"

"I can just tell."

The setter looked away and turned his attention back to the street light. The droplets fell from his bangs and dripped down onto the bridge of his nose, tracing his features. The pale yellow light reflected in his dark navy eyes, deep in thought.

"You remember what I told you about my dad, right?" The redhead asked.

The setter didn't take his eyes off that streetlight, and couldn't bring himself to look into the eyes of the scarred boy. He nodded.

"My point is, she's prepared. I'm sure if he hasn't left yet, she's tased or pepper-sprayed or stabbed him or something. Then she'll call the cops, and he'll be fired, right?"

He extended the hopefulness in his voice, hoping for it to reach his partner, trying to make himself believe it'll allow him to receive a better answer.

"You know that won't happen."

The two sat in silence for another minute.

"He'll just end up buying his way out of it, and he'll find some way to take out your mom next. Then comes us two," he said, the hopelessness  standing out in his mutter, just loud enough for the other one to hear him.

"C'mon, there's got to be something we can do!" The spiker yelled. "What about the child protective services or something?"

The gloomy boy looked down at the ground, breaking his concentration in frustration. "Don't you think I've tried?"

The redhead balled his fists.

After a few minutes of silence, they were interrupted.

A woman with straight, long black hair walked over to the two. She had almost Egyptian style makeup, and with her gloved hand carried an umbrella, shielding her from the downpour. She wore tall black high-heeled boots with a long jacket of the same color, both reflecting the light on it's wet surface. She put her other hand in her pocket and looked down at the two in pity. 

"So, this is that redhead scum I've heard so much about."

Tobio stood up and shielded his boyfriend with his body as he scrunched his face in disgust.

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