13~First Date~

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Kageyama grabbed the few clean clothes he had left in his bag from the trip and threw them on. Hinata on the other hand, looked through all of the clothes that he owns, (which is a lot). The small spiker was determined to pick out the perfect outfit, which took longer than expected.

About half an hour later, Hinata was finally satisfied with what he was wearing. Kageyama was waiting the entire time, already changed.

The setter wore a navy blue collared shirt, and tucked it into jeans, along with some grey Nikes.

"Are you finally ready dumbass?" Kageyama complained as he got up.

"Yep!" Hinata looked himself over in the mirror. "What do you think?"

Hinata was wearing a pale yellow baggy sweater with a rose embroidered into the corner, tucked into some black jean shorts. His sleeves covered his hands, and Kageyama blushed at the sight of Hinata in short shorts.

Hinata looked at his tall boyfriend, who wouldn't look at him after the first glance, and covered his face.

"Do you not like it?" Hinata asked sadly, as he looked back at himself and tugged at the sweater, already eying his dresser.

Kageyama walked up behind his short boyfriend and gave him a hug from behind, wrapping his arms fully around the small boy. The raven-haired boy gave him a kiss on the head.

"No, I love it." Kageyama said, partially because he really did, but also because he didn't want to wait another half an hour for Hinata to pick out another outfit.

Hinata smiled as he lived out his lifelong dream of getting a hug from behind from his dream boyfriend.

The two said goodbye to Hinata's mom, and headed out for their destination.

They got on the subway, and headed for the theme park a couple towns over. 

"I'm so excited!" Hinata continued to yelp, refusing to sit down, and jumped up an down on the moving subway.

"Can you not? You're gonna fall." Kageyama complained as he spread out on the empty seats.

"Aw, are you worrying about me?" Hinata teased, as he jumped even higher.

Kageyama sighed and pulled out his phone, to see a text from the last person he wanted to talk to.

Kageyama furiously started typing on his phone, which did not go unnoticed by his little partner. The setter's face normally looked angry, but this was even worse than the time Hinata hit Kageyama on the back of the head with his serve.

Hinata hesitantly walked over to the angry boy, worried he was going to get his head cut off if he got too close.

"Uh, Kageyama?" Hinata cautiously sat down next to him. "What's wrong?"

"That bastard." He growled as he received another message. 

Kageyama angrily sighed as he shut off his phone and leaned back, trying not to punch the wall. "Every month, my dad sends me money to replace the bastard being here." The setter took a long breath, preparing his anger. "Apparently, he came home last night, 'for me', and is angry that I wasn't there. So now, he's threatening to cut off my money if I don't come home right now."

"Oh, well that's okay. We can head over to your place, and head out tomorrow instead." Hinata offered.

"No, I'm not letting that monster got his hands on me again." Kageyama gritted his teeth.

"What do you mean?" Hinata asked fearfully.

Kageyama folded up the leg of his jeans to reveal a large scar across the back of his calf.

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