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Hinata and Yachi raced to school, just barely making it in before the bell. Luckily, there was no morning practice that day.

Hinata POV

Gasping and panting, the two waved, and walked into their separate classrooms. The spiker fell into his chair out of exhaustion, receiving strange looks from his classmates.

This was the first time in a long time that Hinata wasn't terrified of his math class. When the teacher talked about the math, for once it didn't sound like gibberish! He could actually understand what he was talking about, and even answered questions without cheating.

Wow, is this what it's like to be smart? It's amazing!

Although Hinata felt like a god in that moment, something was off. He checked his phone, but didn't find any texts from his favorite setter.

He leaned over to whisper to Yamaguchi, who was the only team member in the same math class as him.

"Hey, I came in late. Did you happen to see Kageyama anywhere when you came in today?"

Yamaguchi looked him with a puzzled expression. "You mean, you didn't race him today?" When Hinata shook his head, the green-haired boy rubbed his chin. "Not that I remember, no."

Hinata nodded, and faced forwards again. 

I'm sure I'll see him during practice today. He wouldn't miss one of those unless he was dying.

The boy waited anxiously in his seat, awaiting his ultimate test of understanding. 

The teacher made his way over to the small boy's desk, and as soon as he placed the paper down on the table, the classroom door swung open.

Everybody turned to face the woman standing in the doorway, holding a clipboard, and wearing a grim expression. "I need to speak with Hinata Shoyo."

Hinata got up, puzzled and nervous. The boy shakily walked out of the room, and the woman closed the door behind him.

"The school just received a notice from the Miyagi Prefecture public hospital this morning," she began. Hinata gulped. "Kageyama Tobio was brought in last night after an accident, and you were his emergency contact."

"What?!" Hinata yelled in her face, now starting to sweat. "What kind of accident? Is he okay?"

"I'm sorry, but that's all the information we received. If you have a ride, you can go visit him after scho-" She was cut off by the orange-haired boy sprinting down the hall, headed for the door. "Wait! Hold on! You can't leave yet!" Hinata wasn't listening to a word of it, he was already out the door, sprinting to the hospital at full speed.

Yamaguchi POV

Yamaguchi sat in his desk, extremely worried. After Hinata's shriek in the hall, everyone in the classroom had their eyes on the door, and whispered amongst themselves. The boy had a very bad feeling that this had something to do with Kageyama's absence.

What the hell happened?

It didn't get any better when the woman walked back in alone, and signaled for the teacher to come and talk to her in the hallway. The pinch server pulled out his phone and texted the spiker.

When he got no reply, his anxiety really skyrocketed.


Later at practice, there was no Hinata nor Kageyama.

"Where the hell are those two?" Tanaka scratched the back of his head. "They're never late."

"I'm not sure," Sugawara replied. "I texted them both, but no answers yet."

Daichi looked over at the other two first years. "Did you two see them in any classes?" Tsukishima shook his head, which was the only signal that he was even acknowledging the conversation. 

Yamaguchi stepped forward awkwardly. "Well, something happened in math today with Hinata... and it was kinda weird."

"What, do you know something?" The captain asked.

"Well at the beginning of math today, he asked me if I'd seen Kageyama, so I guess he didn't see him on his run to school this morning."

"Oh yeah, he actually stayed over at my place last night," Yachi butted in. "He needed some help for the test today."

"Oh, well this woman came in the classroom, I think she works at the front office. She called Hinata out into the hall, and we all heard him start yelling. Then, the woman came back into the classroom and pulled the teacher out." Everyone stared at the boy in a mix of confusion and shock. "I haven't seen him since then. I think his stuff is still there."

"Did you hear what they were talking about?" Nishinoya asked him. When he shook his head, the libero slumped over in defeat.

Just then, the gym doors flung open. One of the women from the front desk stepped in holding some papers, and held Hinata's backpack. 

"Kageyama Tobio is in this club, correct?" She questioned, reading off of the top paper.

When everyone besides Tsuki nodded, she continued. "We've been informed that he is currently at the Miyagi Prefecture public hospital, and I just thought I would let you know."

The team gasped in shock, and Tsukishima even looked up at her. The woman dropped the bag on the ground. "This belongs to Shoyo Hinata, he left it in his first period classroom this morning after running away."

Yamaguchi's eyes widened in realization.

So that's why...

"Oh, so that's where he is!" The server ran past the woman, and out the door. Tsukishima followed closely behind, calling out to the boy.

As the other followed behind them, Suga and Daichi hesitantly stayed behind a minute to talk to the receptionist. Just then, Daichi pulled out his phone after getting a text.

"Suga! It's Ukai! He has Kageyama!"

Hinata POV

Hinata sprinted through the automatic doors, sweating heavily. He felt like his legs were about to snap in two, but he didn't care. The spiker limped up to the front desk, and demanded answers.

"Where is Kageyama Tobio?" He yelled at the receptionist. Normally he would rather die than be rude to any worker, especially ones at hospitals, but he didn't have enough heart left to care.

The woman jumped at the sudden yelling, but after seeing what condition he was in, and watching the desperation on his face, started searching up the name.

"Kageyama... Tobio... ah. That'd be room 402, but are you sure you don't need a doctor yourself? Are you okay?" Hinata ignored her questions and ran immediately. He had no idea where room 402 was, but didn't have time to wait around and find out. He sprinted around the hospital halls, receiving strange looks from doctors, nurses, and patients alike. 

Eventually he spotted the number out of the corner of his eye. He flung open the door, panting and sweating.

The sight in front of him, gave him flashbacks to a memory he never wanted to remember. 

The setter had black eyes, even darker than before. Although most of his body was covered with sheets, his neck and the arm over the sheet with the IV in it, were almost completely covered in bruises. His hair was damp, and he had a cut on his lip that bled onto his chin. He was unconscious, and almost looked peaceful. Hinata was sure he was glad to be asleep.

After he studied the boy for a few seconds, he noticed a man sitting in a chair beside the bed. He leaned forward, his elbows digging into his legs. He held his face up with his hands, covering his nose and mouth, clearly still in shock.

He had bleach blonde hair with a headband holding it back, although not much now because of how messy it was.

When the man noticed the boy's presence in the doorway, he turned to face him.

When Hinata saw his face, he gasped in shock. 

"Coach Ukai?"

Clementine (Kagehina)Where stories live. Discover now