8~Road Trip~

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Just imagine them sharing headphones, listening to sweater weather:) 


Hinata POV

Hinata spent all weekend at his house taking care of Natsu. Saturday practice was canceled, so he used this free time to teach Natsu how to play. He taught her simple receives, and they passed the ball back and fourth in the yard.

Hinata hadn't seen Kageyama since that hug on Friday, and was itching for another one.

The team would be leaving on Monday for the trip, and they would take the bus over to Nekoma. On Sunday, Hinata spent hours picking out what to pack for the 5 day training camp.


beep be-

Hinata immediately shut off his alarm faster than he ever has before, and sat up. After a couple seconds of adjusting, he remembered why he was so excited to get up that day, and smiled. They didn't leave until very late, but Hinata wanted to be up and ready as soon as possible.

Hinata made breakfast and practiced all day, he wanted to be as prepared as possible for the practice matches. When he could barely move anymore because of how much his limbs hurt, he went to shower, in case he ended up sitting next to Kageyama.

Hinata got there over a half an hour earlier than he was supposed to, and he saw Kageyama also in the parking lot, practicing.

Hinata looked around, then immediately ran over to his lonely boyfriend. "Kageyamaaaaa!" Hinata ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. "Thought I'd find you here!"

"Yeah, I'm here." Kageyama sighed as he gave him a squeeze back.

"Are you excited?" Hinata asked, showing his excitement.

"Pff, no." He answered flatly. "I have to spend a week with those Nekoma dorkwads and our own. It's just double the hell."

"Oh, come on, they're not so bad..." Hinata tried to defend the other teams.

The two sat there talking until the others started arriving, and they started packing their bags into the bus.

Takada Sensei drove, while Coach Ukai kept him company in the passengers seat. Kiyoko and Yachi sat behind the driver, Kiyoko spending the entire time trying to calm down the nervous new manager. Suga and Daichi sat together up in the front, while Asahi sat behind them in the window seat next to Nishinoya. Opposite of the libero, he and Tanaka sat screaming things at each other from across the isle. Ennoshita sat with Tanaka, desperately trying to drown them out with music. Behind them, Tsukki sat with Yamaguchi, who was also trying to use music to escape the torturous situation he found himself in. The other second-years sat across from them, trying to calm down the situation. Hinata and Kageyama got the back seat all to themselves, which was perfect for their situation.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit up here with us?" Tanaka pleaded to the orange-haired spiker. "I can just shove Ennoshita to the back with Kageyama."

"Hey!" Kageyama and Ennoshita complained at the same time.

"No, I'll just stay with Kageyama." Hinata insisted. The tall setter barely held back a grin, and struggled to look annoyed.

Kageyama POV

The two secret boyfriends sat in the backseat together, and spent the first hour talking. Hinata spouted even more knowledge about the Tiny Giant. How the hell does he keep so much useless information in that tiny head of his? Kageyama wondered as he carefully listened to his happy little boyfriend.

After Hinata's voice started to get hoarse, his worried boyfriend insisted he give it a rest, and the two started listening to music instead. 

Within 10 minutes of sitting there, Hinata started to slump over. Is he asleep? Hinata fell over onto Kageyama, and laid his head on his chest, lightly snoring. Kageyama tensed up, not knowing what to do with his little partner.

After he calmed down, he wrapped his arm around the little ginger, and laid his head on top of Hinata's, feeling the soft hair that he had been craving since Friday. Kageyama smelled the tiny spikers fluffy locks, and fell asleep with him.

Kageyama held his hand, and they cuddled for the rest of the ride, in their own little world.

Authors note~

Hi there:)

Again, if you've made it this far, thank you, I appreciate you ppl so much! Also- how the hell did we go from 8 to almost 100 followers in less than a week? You guys are amazing, and I can't thank you enough!!!💖💖

Anyways, sorry for the short chapter, I'll have a new one up shortly, hopefully tomorrow.

(And of course, Suga took that picture, and showed it to Daichi afterwards)

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