28~Sun and Moon~

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Hinata POV

Hinata felt a new sense of freedom after that encounter. After months of having his wings pinned behind his back, he could finally stretch them and fly. He would finally be free.

That is, at school and home. Everywhere else though, hiding those wings of his was crucial.

But those few extra breaths of relaxation made all the difference in the world to the spiker. 

Kageyama on the other hand, only got more tense. He suddenly felt eyes all over him wherever he went, even more than before. Whether it was judgmental eyes, jealous stares, unapproving glares or leers of admiration, the setter hated every single one of them. Not only did the way he look alone draw attention, but Hinata's sunshine would greet people as he walked by, and their hands locked together created a clash between the sun and moon, catching the eye of every by passer.

Not only that, but the constant fear that his father would catch him one day, or that he would hurt his favorite person, kept the raven-haired boy on high alert. He was constantly looking around himself, even at home. 

While Shoyo thrived on his new-found freedom, his partner only got more distracted. 

"Jeez Kageyama, you've gotten three nosebleeds this week alone!" The spiker teased. "You've really got to stop blocking with your face, man."

Tobio sat down on the bench and wiped his face clean of the blood leaking from his nose. "Oh, shut up already!"

At this point, Kageyama no longer had to watch out only for himself, but now he had someone else to protect, which only added to his stress.

As the two walked home together, Hinata started to really notice the differences in his boyfriend. He would constantly glance around them at every noise, and held onto Hinata a little more firmly than usual.

"You know, there aren't going to be very many serial killers on this street, Tobio," Hinata teased, and caught the setter's attention. "It's just our neighborhood."

His face turned a little pink, but it was hard to notice in the dimly lit street. 

"Oh, shut up, I know that."

Shoyo giggled and gave him a squeeze. "Hey, tell you what, let's watch something when we get back home, to get your mind off it," he paused and stared up at the boy who was still staring into the woods. "He won't find you, Tobio."

The setter looked down and saw light. Not the street lights or a lantern, but the smile of the sun. His sun.


They walked through the door, and Kageyama grabbed a carton of milk on his way up the stairs.

Shoyo flipped through his shows and movies, trying desperately to find something to distract the gloomy boy from his lame excuse for a father.

"How about we watch... Naruto?" nope. dead parents. "No, HunterxHunter?" No, awful and absent father. "Uh... Demon Slayer? Or My Hero Academia?" NO! Dead family and absent father! Plus, way too many accounts of daddy issues....

The spiker started to sweat. "You know what? I'm not actually in the mood for anime, how about a horror movie?"

Tobio tensed up. "Uh, why don't you want to watch an anime? I don't know, those seem fine to me..."

The ginger turned around and smirked. "Don't tell me you're scared of a little movie, Tobio?" He avoided eye contact and denied the claim. "You can take down Ushijima and all of the powerhouse schools, but you can't watch a movie?"

Clementine (Kagehina)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora