Chapter 23

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Mishti's P.O.V

Yesterday Abir asked me for a new beginning of our life that was the moment which I waited for since years how could I say no. I had battle in mind one said I should say yes while other said I should ask him to wait thode maze lene bante hai but I couldn't hold myself back when he was so genuine in front of me.

We are really ajeeb, because proposal is always before marriage but here we got married and than he asked me whether I want to spend life with him or not. Crazy aren't we?

From past few days he is behaving weird, he is weird, I mean he is behaving as Maha Ajeeb Rajvansh. Like seriously he talks dirty with me, tries to be touchy with me, listens to me. He is not the one I got married to.

Maybe this is the new shade of Baba Ajeeb Rajvansh, but I like it.

He doesn't needs to confess his love for me, because I can see it in his eyes, I can see it in care he has for me, he leaves everything and comes with me if I ask so, that day he said I am his priority, he gives importance to my opinion, the most important he trusts me a lot.

He fears to name the feeling he has for me as love.

Or maybe there is no love from his side but the love from my side is enough for both of us.

He himself made me understand the theory of relationship, where he said love is not the only thing needed in relationship but it should be there.

And love is there it's just unknown to him, and I am ok if it remains anonymous for whole life.

I don't want to hear I Love You from him better I feel it through his actions.

One part of me still fears what if he doesn't loves me and just wants to use me?

But again the another part says he is Abir Rajvansh, if he wishes he could get the sexiest girl on earth laid in his bed but he doesn't. Then why will he use me?

What if he didn't changed he is just putting on a facade?

What if he will get close to me and than kick me away like football?

What if he plays with my feelings?

I don't know answer of any question but still my heart says he will not behave like earlier. I trust him.

In morning I was getting ready taking me in a back hug he said 'Today my girl is looking sexy. How will I control whole day?'

I was just wearing yellow kurta and jeans. I don't know how he found such a simple attire sexy.

While our journey towards Pune I was driving and Abir was beside me, I could feel he was checking out on me. I didn't felt uncomfortable by his gaze. It felt like he was fucking me with his eyes. Gosh!! I am getting horny. I was definitely getting wet down there not because of urine.

Swelling in his pants caught my attention, Fuck he was erect just by looking at me. Didn't it pained him?

Suddenly he took out the laptop from the bag and started working, placing it on his lap trying to hide the tent. It could be said now that he was actually fucking the laptop.

It was hard for me to concentrate on road.

If my simple clothes were making him hard what will be his reaction when I wear few body revealing dresses?

Sanjay,his wife, Meera, Ketki, me and Abir were in one car while Kuhu,Kunal, Aarav and Myra were in another.

We started to play antakshri. The team was Rajvansh and the Sanjay family.

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