Its Done .

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Chapter Fourteen <3

The more I looked into Harry'a eyes , the more I believed him. I knew he wasn't lying . I just had a feeling .

"I'm sorry ."

"Why ? It's not your fault . It's mine ."

"Because I believed myself when I was wrong . "

"No . You believed why you thought was true . Everyone does that . I believed myself when I thought you went for Liam . " when he said that I looked at him shocked . Like how did he know? I mean he doesn't believe I am falling for Liam . But I am . I don't know how I just am . Something about him is calling out to me . I don't want to tell Harry . I was scared .

"I love you and I always will . " he said as he pulled me close and kissed me . He pulled back and looked at me .

"What is that?" He asked .

"What's what?"

"Are you chewing something ?"

"Oh no . It's my braces ." I said smiling so he could see them ."

"Orange I-" he started to say as I interrupted him .

"Is your favourite colour , I know ." I said smiling at him . " I did it just for you ." I added on .

"This is one of the reasons I love you . You know everything about me and you know what makes me happy ." He said pulling me in and kissing me , again .

"This I the first kiss that you got in our relationship. "

"Our relationship?"

"Taylor , will you go out with me?" He asked grabbing both of my hands an kissing them . I stood there in shock .

"Yes . Yes I will ." I said standing on my tippy toes and giving him a kiss . I pulled back and shrunk in size as I stood flat footed . He smiled at me and I could tell that he was staring at my braces . I grabbed his hand and dragged him up the stair to my room . I opened my door and remembered about Caroline . I looked at Harry in shock . I pushed him back out the room and back down stairs .

"Really!? I totaly forgot about Caroline! " I yelled at him as he gave me a look .

"Yea about that . I was gonna break up with her lie right when we got in there ."

"You better ." I said as we walked back upstaris but not holding hands . We walked in my room and he sat next to her and i sat next to Liam and Niall on my bed . I didnt really pay attention to Harry but when i loked at him he was on the flor holding Hands with her! I got up and grabbed Liams hands . I looked at Harry and i didnt think what i was doing and just went with it . I pulled Liam up from my bed and kissed him right infront of Harry . He promised that right when we got in there he would break up with her . But instead he was asking her to marry him . I swear i was gonna die now . I got played , beaten and cheated on , again! i pulled back the kiss and looked at Harry .

"Now you know how i feel!" I yelled as i bursted out in tears and ran out the room . I literally never cried for a dude or anyone . He should feel happy now . He has my tears . But he doesnt deserve them . I ran down stairs with someone chaising after me .

"Taylor wait!" I heard Harry yell . I ran to my basment and locked myself in the bathroom . I was so lucky my mom wasnt home . I sat in the bathtub and just cried .

"Ok fine you wont open the door so ill talk to you through it . Well here i go . "

"Just stop jibber jabbing and get on with it!" I screamed almost in horrer .

"Ok well im sorry i kind of forced you to do something like that . I was gonna break up with her but i dont know how . I never dumped a girl before . Im so sorry ."

"Yea well in think its time for me and you call it a quits of trying to become a couple . Its not really working if you can tell . Im done with your bulls*** . " I said as i opened the door and brushed past him .

"You never give me chances!" He said as he grabbed my arm and held me back . I stoped in place looking at the ground .

"I already gave you chances . I gave you a lot ." I said softly and pulling myself out of his grip and running out the door . I ran down the street to where Hannah lived . She practically lived with me but she decided to stay with her family for a while . I ran up to her door and stopped . I looked behind me and saw Niall running down street to me . I didn't want him to find out where Hannah lived so I ran in her back yard . We used to play back there and he had a tree house . Her back yard was all trees . I ran through the twigs and branches . Getting whiles in my clothes and scratches everywhere . I got to the tree house and ran up it . I sat on the ledge , dangling my feet off .

"Can I talk to you?" I looked behind me and saw Niall standing there .

"Sure ."

"What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it ."

"If you don't talk to me about it it won't get any better ."

"I just got played some more . More than that . I got cheated on ."

"Harry couldn't have -" he started to say .

"Oh but he did ." I cut in .

"Details ."

"He told me his 'real' feelings that he had for me , asked me out , promised that he would dump Caroline , got in the room , he didn't , I got jealous and kissed Liam to see how he felt about being cheated on . You know , almost what happened the first time I fell for him ." I said playing with a leaf that I picked up while climbing up here .

"He's not usually like this though . I don't know what's going on ."

"Yea well why does it have to be me ?"

"I honestly dot know ."

"Does God like hate me or something ? It's like I got cursed to eat the worst boyfriends ever. Like I don't deserve one ."

"You deserve better than one . "

"Then why can't I find it? I honestly thought Harry was it but he isn't . Where is my Prince Charming gonna come around? "

"You'll find him ."

"When!? Every birthday I have I always get hurt ! I jut want one normal birthday!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what . Who cares ."

"No tell me!"

"Today is ! Today is my birthday!" I yelled as I got up an jumped off the edge . I sat down on the ground and and started playing with the leaves as Niall jumped off too .

"I had no idea ."

"Of course you didn't . No one did . My mom didn't even remember . No one did . Except my daddy ."

"What happened to your dad?"

"Uh . Nothing ."

"Talk to me ."

"You don't have to know everything about my life!" I yelled as I got up and ran away .

Hey O Guys! I really hope you like it! I try my best to make it right . Pleas ePLease Please! Comment on if its good enough . I dont want to disapoint you guys! Vote if you think its that good! :D

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