Since Then (3rd person POV)

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Since the day of the funeral it has been really hard on Matthews and Kyler. The Matthews never took in another foster girl. They only took in boys. Lexi became more antisocial. She even stopped talking to her parents. The day she turned eighteen she left the house to never return she couldn't stand the fact that Alice was gone and that she was a horrible person to her. Kyler was the one who took Alice's death the hardest. He was a lot more depressed than he was when she left the first time. He didn't know how to cope with her death. He didn't go over to the Matthews very much anymore. He started staying home when his mother left for her trips. He later did find out that his mother did have a second family and that she was going to make him move so they both could be a family together. He didn't like that idea at all. He finally moved on from Alice after the move. He got himself a new girlfriend. He later had a kid at the age of nine-teen. He had a daughter. He named her after his only best-friend. He got married to his girlfriend two years after his daughter's birth. Even though he said he wasn't going to move on and be happy. Though he somehow did. He and his wife and daughter soon moved back to his hometown because they needed a change. While moving in he saw the Matthews a crossed the street and decided it was time to group up and say hi,

"Hi Mrs. Matthews."

"Do I know you?" She asked

"Yea you do. Remember Alice? I was her boyfriend."


She ran up and hugged him. She called for David and he ran up to see what was wrong. She told him who Kyler was and he hugged him. Kyler's little girl decided to walk over to see what was going on.

"Who's this Kyler?"

"This is my daughter Alice. She's two."

"She's adorable."

"I know. I have to get going. I have to help my wife finish unpacked. Don't be a stranger okay."

"We won't. I want to see this wife of your."

"Come over after we've unpacked and have dinner with us. I'm sure you'll love her."

"I'm sure I will Kyler. I'm sure I will"

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