No...No...No... (Alice's POV)

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No... There was no way that was true, no one cared about me. Okay that was a lie but there was no way that Matthews cared about me. They didn't even know me. I wouldn't let them take the time to get to know me. I knew it was pointless no one cared about who I was or what I wanted. No one could give me what I wanted. There was no way that they could have wanted my parents back but there was no way that could ever happen. They were gone. I didn't want to think about it because it was too painful. I started crying again. Kyler pulled me into his arms.

"What am I going to do with you Alice?"

"I don't know Kyler what are you going to do with me." I said, still crying.

"I think I'm going to hold onto you and I'm never going to let you go. I love you and I know you don't want to feel that emotion because it's hard for you but I know that deep down inside whether or not you'll admit it you care about me to and you probably love me and my stupid way. But until you are able to feel the way I do and be okay with those emotions I'm okay with being the only one that shows it. Take all the time you need to make yourself be able to feel the way I feel about you and not feel like you're hurting someone in the process. Just promise that no matter what happens that you will stay here for me because I don't think I can lose you again. You can't leave me behind like you did years ago you need to stay here in my arms always. Well not always but you know what I mean."

"Yes Kyler I know what you mean. I will try to make sure that I don't leave no matter what."

I didn't know if I could let what happened next happen but I did. Kyler leaned in and I didn't know what to do or how to feel I didn't know if he was trying to kiss me or if he was just trying to hug me so I just let it happen. It turns out that Kyler has been wanting to kiss me since the day we became friend's years ago. I guess it was no better time than right there to do it. I didn't stop him. I didn't know how. I wasn't weird like I thought it was going to be. I thought that if I were to ever kiss Kyler that it would be like I was kissing one of my brothers that I didn't have, but it didn't actually feel nice. When he pulled away I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I didn't know if it was something that should normally happen or if it was just something my face did when something like this happened to me. But to be honest I liked it and I didn't want it to end but I didn't want to make things awkward though I think he could read that on my face because didn't let go or move away. We just stood there. What was supposed to happen after something like that.

"Hey we need to get going it's almost 'six-thirty'.'." said Kyler as if he didn't want to make things anymore award as he just did.

"Yea we don't."

At that point in time he helped me up and he went to go find his bag and we started heading to my house. We were a couple of minutes late but Martha didn't say anything which is good because I didn't want to deal with her. Kyler and I walked up the stairs and headed to the guest room that he normally stays in.

"I'm going to go get ready for dinner." I said walking away.

"Nope not yet."

"what do you mean not yet I need to go get ready for dinner before Martha kicks my butt."

"Come here real fast first I don't want you to leave yet because I know that I won't be able to see you after dinner."

I didn't know what was going on between Kyler and I but I didn't know if I liked it or not. I liked not feeling alone but I still felt like all this was going to do was get me in trouble. I honestly didn't care at that point in time because I didn't leave. I just stayed there like Kyler wanted me to and I just sat there in his arms. Nothing happened. Then Martha called us down for dinner. I didn't want to have to go to bed after this. I wanted to stay with Kyler but I knew that Martha would have a cow if she found out that I stayed anywhere but in my own bed by myself. She already acted as if I was already her daughter which is okay I guess since I was probably going to be her daughter but I didn't want that to all go to her head. I wasn't going to listen to her any better than I already did now. So I just stayed there in his arms until Martha called us down for dinner.


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