Sleeping in his Bed (Alice' POV)

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After I completed my chore I went to my room to get ready for bed. Once I got into my bed I realized that my bed felt half empty. I would have asked Kyler if he would just come over here and sleep here but when I texted him he didn't answer me so I got up and walked to the room he was staying in. There he was fast asleep on his bed. I didn't want to wake him but I didn't want to sleep in my bed alone. So I decided that I was just going to crawl into the bed with him. It's not like anything was going to happen, we are just friends. I just felt really lonely right now and I didn't want to be alone. I crawled out on the bed and laid down right beside him. I knew he woke up just a little because he started moving and then wrapped his arms around me. I fell asleep really fast and didn't wake up until Kyler said that I had to get up. After that I got up and went to my room I didn't know why but when I left I felt lonely again like something was missing. I got up in my bed and tried to fall back asleep but in came Martha saying that I needed to get up and that she was going to go to the store with Lexi and that it was my job to not let Kyler feel like he was all alone in this house. Martha really didn't like leaving the house when Kyler was over but her and Lexi had to go to the store to get stuff the holidays were coming up and she didn't have any other time to do it this weekend because she had to work tomorrow She left my room to go talk to Kyler and apologies for the fact that she had to go to the store but that I was going to be here if he needed someone to talk to or something along those lines. After she was finished talking to him Lexi and her left. Not long after Kyler came to my room.



"Can we talk."


"Alice, what are we going to do? It feels like this is getting out of control."

"I don't know what we should do?"

"I don't know."

He walked over to my bed and sat down. I moved until I was in his arms again. I didn't know what to do. I cared about him. I loved him but how can I do anything about that. If we try to be anything more he won't be able to come over like last night. Well he probably could but he wouldn't be allowed to do anything that involves him coming near me. Martha didn't like it when guys were over here so only made an exception for Kyler because she didn't want him to be in his big house all alone.

"I love you Kyler but what are we going to do? They won't let us near each other alone if we do anything."

"I love you too. I don't know but we need to do something. We can't just keep doing this, people are going to get curious. They are going to start questioning us and we are going to have to say something we just can't lie."

"I know but how are we going to do anything cause if we tell them the truth then they are going to separate us. They won't let us be near each other."

"How do you know that? I know that Martha isn't really big on having guys over but there is a difference between me and other guys. She pretty much raised me. When I was younger my mom was gone a lot longer then she is now. She would be gone for weeks at a time. The only reason she shortened the time is because Martha told her that if she didn't start coming back a lot sooner than she was going to have to sign her rights away to her because she wasn't going to pretty much raise me if my mom didn't sign over her rights. My mom didn't want to so she started shortening her trips and started being home more and she started being my mom."


"I know it's a lot to think about but I think we should talk to Martha about it. I think she will understand more than you think she will. We just have to be honest."

"Okay when Martha gets home we will talk to her and see what she thinks."


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