Get Over Her. (??? POV)

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He kept looking at her after I left. Why is he doing this? I thought he cared about me. I guess I was wrong. He didn't even say hi back. Though I can tell I made her mad. She stared me down the whole time we were on the bus. I have always had a crush on Kyler but he was always busy with Alice and he did care about me. That was until she left I wish she would've just stayed gone. Kyler might have fallen in love with me if she would have stayed away but she didn't and now all he cares about is her and not me. After she left he actually started talking to me the day before Alice came back we were supposed to meet at the park to talk about something but I couldn't make it that night and we decided that we would try tomorrow but when I tried to talk to him in the hallway to see if we were still meeting he was busy trying to get Alice's attention. I tried to talk to him in the hallway later that day but he was busy trying to find out who Alice was as if he didn't know already. I knew as soon as she walked into the school that she was back. I just wanted my best friend back and now he is once again all over her. So today was the final straw I was going to get his attention back on me if it's the last thing I do. I need to drive a wedge between them the best I can and hope for the best but I won't give up until Alice is out of the picture

"Kyler? Are you not going to talk to me? I thought we were friends?'

'We are. I'm just dealing with stuff right now ok."

"Does any of it have to do with Alice being back?"

"It has everything to do with Alice being back. I think that I might have just ruined my friendship with her."

"Why do you say that? What happened?"

"I told Alice that I have feelings for her."


"I admitted my feeling for Alice to Alice."

"You have feelings for her."

"Yea? Why?"



I just hugged him and I kissed his face and walked away. it wasn't anything new I did it every time we went our separate ways.


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