Two Can Play That Game (Alice POV)

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Is he mad at me? He won't talk to me or sit with me. He even ditched me on the bus. Well two people can play that game. I didn't even do anything to him. He can't treat me like this. He seemed fine last night. Why was he acting like this? We settled the issue last night so there shouldn't have been a problem. I cared about him shouldn't that have been enough. I did love him but I can't let myself be anything more till I figure out whether or not I would be leaving soon. (I was going to make myself ignore him for what he did to me. yea I know that's childish but I couldn't let him treat me like that and tomorrow he would just be all fine and dandy and start to talk to me and not even apologize for what he did. I had to worry about him all day because he was ignoring me. I honestly thought that it was something that happened after he left me last night. When I got home Martha asked me the same question she asks every night when I get home. 'How was your day?' I just said that it was ok and I walked to my room to do my homework that would be due tomorrow. It was times like these when I wished that Kyler wasn't ignoring me because I really needed help with my homework and I can't ask him cause one he probably wouldn't let me speak to him and two I just didn't want to deal with him. After I completed my homework I decide that I was going to write down how my day went. I needed to vent to someone/something. it always helped me to vent on paper then it did when I vented to a person. Paper can't judge you for how you feel or what's going on. Humans on the other hand can and they can be really rude about it. After I was done writing It was time for dinner. I walked downstairs to see what we were having. It was Lasagna and it was my favorite. I ate my dinner and then Martha said that since I have been here for more than a week that I needed to start helping out by doing the chores that Martha was going to assign to me. Tonight I had the dishes which is ok but I wish that I didn't have to do it. In all honesty I hate doing chores, especially the dishes. Martha didn't even have a dishwasher. I had to wash them by hand and put them away. Martha had to help me put the stuff away because I didn't know where everything went at all. I have never stopped in the kitchen. I was never really in the kitchen at all. After I got down with my chore Martha told me I had to get into the shower. So I did and after I laid in my bed and I fell asleep it had been a really long day so it didn't take me long to fall asleep. I dreamed of Kyler hanging with this new girl and they were holding hands. I thought he cared about me. I thought he loved me but he was standing right in front of me holding a girl's hand, I woke up crying I couldn't let myself be upset about it there was no way that had actually happened. He cared way too much to do that to me. He loved me didn't he? He said he did.


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