What????????? (Paige's POV)

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I got on the bus after Thanksgiving break to Kyler and Alice holding hands and her head on his shoulder. What did I miss? I tried to talk to Kyler in the hallway when we got to school.

"Hey Kyler, I wanted to apologize for what I said to your friend last week. I was mad that she was being rude and I took advantage of the situation. I shouldn't have done that. I hope you can forgive me."

"No! I can't forgive you. You made my girlfriend cry. What you said was excusable."


"Yea Alice is my girlfriend and if you want me to accept your apology then you need to take that up with her because that was very rude of you to say that you don't know her story."

"I do know her story, it's not hard to know. I'm not apologizing to that orphan. I promise you that you will regret this. You will regret ever letting her back into your life."

"Excuse you...?"

I saw that Alice was right in front of me so I took advantage of the moment and I made a move. I leaned in and I kissed Kyler. I didn't take much for her to run away crying.

"What was that for?"

He left me right there to chase after his girlfriend. I might have just accomplished something. I don't feel bad about it at all.

I'm Done (Alice's POV)

'How could he. What did I just witness? Did that really happen?' were the things going through my mind right now. How am I supposed to trust him? He just cheated on me with that.... girl. Who does he think he is? Cheating on me with her.

"Alice, it's not what it looked like."


"Alice please I would never do that to you."


"Alice if you don't come out and talk to me I'm coming in because it loves you and it would never do that to you she kissed me and as soon as you started running it yelled at her for it please....I... I love you. I can't lose you. Please. I wouldn't do anything to lose you."

"Kyler...I can't. This is not okay, you shouldn't have been talking to her."

"She was apologizing to me thinking it was going to accept it. I told that it wasn't going to cut it, and if she wanted me to accept it then she was going to have to talk to you and it knew that you were going to say no."

"Kyler.... Please go."



"Please Alice. No."

I could hear him crying through the door of the girl's bathroom. I couldn't move on from this. I understood that she was the one to kiss him but he was still talking to her as if it wasn't going to be mad about it. I still have to put my foot down. I can't just pretend no of it happened. He was talking to her, and because of it she kissed him. Wait but what if this is what she wanted. What if this is what she knew would happen? That if she kissed him I would get mad enough that I wouldn't talk to him and he would just stop caring what I think and he would leave me and move on to her. I have to stop him from doing that.

"Kyler? Are you still there?"


"Kyler...? Please answer me."

"What Alice?"

"I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?"

"Because I love you and I let my emotions take over without realizing that I need to think about what will happen if I continue to let my emotions take over."

"I love you too. Can you please come out here?"


As soon I walked out the door Kyler grabbed me and pulled me into a hug and wouldn't let go. We say on that floor we had already missed like twenty minutes of the class we should have been in but I didn't want to go. Not yet. I just wanted to stay here in his arms all day. I couldn't even stand if I wanted to. Kyler wasn't letting go anytime soon. I honestly don't blame him. I made him think that he lost me. He cried outside of the door I was sitting behind. I felt bad for making him feel that way but he really hurt me and I needed time to think about things. I needed time to think things through before I accidentally did something I was going to regret. I actually did that once, didn't think things through and I did something that I regret to this day. I will never be able to take back what had happened that day. I just have to move on and try to not let anything else get out of hand like that.

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