Sickness (Kyler and Alice's POV)

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Alice's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since Christmas Kyler and I were back in school. I hated going back but I had to. Paige seems to be leaving us alone. I'm one-hundred percent okay with that. I didn't want her messing with us anyway. I know for a fact that she's doing it because she wants Kyler and I to split up but is not going to work am not going to let it work. So if that means that I have to put up with every bad thing that happens then am going to have to. I'm not losing him to her. I won't let that be something that happens to me. I will put up with anything if that means that I am not going to lose him. The court system says that by February Martha and David can adopt me and that we can finally be a family. I was still a little unsure when it came to being adopted but I definitely didn't want to leave this place. I was probably the best option I have when it comes to not being in the system anymore. I hated the system. Later that evening Kyler came over and we cuddled and watched Disney classics. He also told me that the next time we hang out we are watching something marvel and that I didn't have a choice in the matter. It was happening whether or not I wanted it to. I told him that I would because I loved him and since he sat through Disney movies for me I would sit through Marvel for him. We just sat there finishing the last movie that I wanted to watch. I told him that I was going to go and get me a drink. He walked with me. All of the sudden I didn't feel good. I guess that the sickness that was going around finally got to me. I ran to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to get sick. Kyler followed after me and he helped me by holding my hair back. After I cleaned myself up then Kyler walked over to me and picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed and told me to lie down and he would be back with water. When he got back he handed me the water and got up on my bed and cuddled me. I took a sip of the water then I cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

Kyler POV

I went over to Alice's house and we watched some Disney movies and then she went to go get a drink but before she could get her something to drink she started running towards the bathroom. I helped her by holding her hair back. She got up and cleaned herself up. She started walking this way. I stopped her and picked her up. I was not going to let her walk with the fact that she just got sick. I carried her to her bed and told her I would get her a drink of water. When I came back I cuddled her in my arms until she fell asleep. Martha walked in and questioned what was wrong. I told her that Alice was sick. She just left to go get some medicine. She came back and woke Alice up so she could take it. Martha didn't care that I was cuddling with her. Martha trusted me. She had a right to. I wasn't going to do anything to Alice. I wasn't ready for any of that. I loved Alice but I wasn't ready to take our relationship any farther yet. She just laid there asleep in my arms. I loved her so much and I felt bad for her since she was sick. I myself didn't like to get sick and I hated it when people I care about got sick. The next thing I knew I woke up two hours later and had to get up. I don't remember falling asleep and I don't remember Alice getting up but she did. She was getting sick again. I ran over to her to help her again. She didn't look good, she looked really pale. I went to go get Martha because Alice looked really sick and she might have to go to the doctors to get checked out. Martha did end up taking her to the doctors. I didn't know what happened there because I had to be home by seven so I would ask Martha tomorrow.

The next day I went back over and asked her what happened. She said she had the flu. She would have told me to go home because she didn't want me to get sick as well but she realized I was here yesterday with her while she was sick. So she let me go see Alice. Alice still looked really pale. She looked at me. Something was different. Something was off about Alice. I couldn't put my finger on it but there was something wrong. Something people didn't know but I couldn't place my finger one it. I just left it alone. I knew I wasn't going to be able to figure it out. A few days later Martha had to take Alice back to the doctors because she wasn't getting any better. All I know is that it wasn't good news. I didn't know what it was but it wasn't good at all. I went over there after the appointment and Martha and David were crying. I asked what was wrong but they said that I had to ask Alice because she wanted to tell me.


"Kyler... We need to talk."


"Kyler come sit please."


"Kyler something happened today at the doctors."

"What happened?"

"The doctor ran some tests on me because things were not adding up. They said that my blood cells were growing uncontrollably... They said that the reason I was sick is because... because I... I have Leukemia..."


"I... I... I have Leukemia."

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