The New Girl (Kyler's POV)

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I didn't want to go to school. The school day is always the same. I get up, I go to school, do the work assigned, eat lunch, finish up classes, go home, do homework and then get ready for bed then do it all over again. My mom said that I was only allowed to stay home if I honestly needed to like if I was sick. So I got up and made my way to my closet and threw on some clothes and got everything I needed for school in my backpack ready to go. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the door but before I could walk out my mom called me back and told me I wasn't leaving till I ate something. She did every morning. no matter how hard I tried my mom would not let me leave. she knew that I wouldn't eat at school so I couldn't use that as an excuse. I decided that since I didn't want to be late I grabbed a granola bar and took a couple of bites out of it so I could leave. I got to my bus stop and I saw Lexi show up not long after I did but this time it was weird she wasn't alone like she normally was. Lexi didn't like anyone or talk to anyone so I was confused on who would be walking with her. I just left it alone. I wasn't going to make Lexi want to hurt me anymore then she already did. I may have done some things to Lexi in the last couple of years that she may not like me at all. I wouldn't blame her though if I were her and someone put spiders in my food and I was horribly afraid of them I would want to hurt the person that did it too. Once we got to school I went to my locker and shoved anything I didn't need into my locker so I didn't have to carry it around all day then headed to my first hour class. When the teacher started to roll the call I noticed she said a name I never heard before until today. I looked around to see who was going to say here and sure enough it was that girl following behind Lexi this morning. Alice Foster. Who was she? Why was she following Lexi? So I did the somewhat mature thing and decided that I needed to get to know her because I didn't like not knowing the people around me. I've known everyone in my class for the last couple of years. Now there's a new girl. A new girl that was following Lexi around like a lost puppy. So after class I tried to talk to her but like normal new kids don't want to be asked a bunch of questions. So either she actually didn't hear me or she didn't want to answer the questions I asked. She was in every one of my classes but I didn't know a thing about her. So when the final bell rang I ran out to the bus and waited for her to get on and then when she did I got and asked her if I could sit with her so I could talk to her. She let me sit but she didn't acknowledge I was there. I was not going to give up.


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