She's Gone (Kyler's POV)

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A couple of days later Martha called me and told me that Alice passed and that she wanted me to go to the funeral and write her Eulogy because I was the one who knew her best. I told her I would. I wrote.

My Alice

She was my best friend since the day we met nine years ago. We met at a park that our mothers took us to. We threw fits when they said it was time to leave. We didn't want to leave the other one behind. At that time, we didn't know we lived across the street from one another. We saw each other almost every day. When we were like seven we decided to make a best-friend pact. We told each other that we were going to break it. That all changed the day Alice's parents passed. It was hard on both of us. She was going to have to leave and I was going to lose my best friend. She no longer lived across the street from me. She was never there when I needed her. She was gone. The day I saw her get on my bus about 6 months ago was probably one of the best days in my life. Minus the day we met. At first I didn't know that she was My Alice but after asking some questions that were really tough for her to answer. I realized that she was indeed My Alice. We talked and I told her I had feelings for her and she said she returned them but she didn't know if she would be here long enough to act on them. Alice had a routine she would go to a foster home and she would either lose it to where the other foster parents wouldn't want her or she would straight up act out so much that the foster parents didn't want to put up with her. I told her that it was going to take a lot more than that to make Matthews not want her. She didn't listen but soon realized I was telling the truth no matter what she did or said the Matthews never made her leave. She didn't understand why. She was so used to being thrown out that she's never felt this kind of love since the day her parents passed. Not long after that she realized that she could hide her feelings anymore and we started dating. There were some rough patches in our relationship but it didn't affect our relationship. We were as strong as ever. We spent the holiday together. We saw each other a lot. The day she got sick I was starting to worry because she wasn't getting any better and a couple of days after that she told me that she had Leukemia. I didn't know how to cope with that I never had anyone I know die from cancer. Though what really threw me off is that she said that they couldn't help her and that she was too far gone to be helped. I didn't understand she couldn't have been that bad. She wasn't Alice decided that this was a sign. That since she got Leukemia that maybe it was a way of her parents telling her that it was her time and that she was ready to see them again. I was so mad that she made this decision that I wasn't there the day she passed. I wish I could turn back the clocks and be there but I can't and I will always live with that. I just hope that she is happy wherever she is and that she did get to see her family once again. I loved her with all of my heart and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do without her. She was my everything since day one. Thanks for letting me see her one more time before she was gone forever. I will never forget the day my Alice came back to me.

After that I left because I didn't know what else to say without crying. I could deal with it. I wasn't ready for her to be gone. I wish I could bring her back. I swore that I was never going to move one from her.

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