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 Today was the last day of camp and everyone was kinda bummed. They had so much fun here. It felt like they were leaving just when they were really there. "All done packing," Bubbles announced in a sad voice. "Don't worry, Bubbles," Blossom assured Bubbles while bringing her suitcase to the front door. "The Professor said we can come back next summer." Bubbles frown turned into a bright smile and she squealed. "Then let's get home and get the school year over with so we can come back!" Bubbles exclaimed while running out the door with her suitcase. Blossom and Buttercup laughed at Bubbles' antics and started dragging their suitcases out the door. "I really am gonna miss this dump," Buttercup sighed. "Even when complimenting, you still manage to insult," Blossom snickered. Buttercup gave a proud face at Blossom and snickered with her. "Wow. You would've socked me in the arm for a joke like that. Butch is making you soft," Blossom teased. "He's not! I'm still the same old Buttercup that will not hesitate to punch someone to the moon," Buttercup defended. "You're such a hypocrite, Bloss. I noticed you start forgetting some facts when Brick is around," Buttercup teased while throwing her bag into the bus's trunk. "Well, that's because he's too handsome! He makes me super flustered!" Blossom defended. "I make you super flustered, huh?" Brick asked with a smirk on his face. Blossom snaps her head around and sees Brick standing behind her. "Oh my god! How much did you hear?!" Blossom exclaimed. "I heard everything from you forgetting facts to now," Brick answered. "BUTTERCUP! YOU KNEW HE WAS BEHIND ME!" Blossom exclaimed. Buttercup was dying in laughter. "This is hilarious," she wheezed. "Not as hilarious as you going soft on me, Butters," Butch teased in his smug voice. Buttercup froze and turned around. Butch was standing there with his stupid smirk plastered on his face. "Call me soft again and your soft skin is gonna hit the moon," Buttercup threatened. "Awww. You think my skin is soft, ButterBoo?" Butch teased. Buttercup blushed. "Wha-! NO! Let's just get on this stupid bus!" Buttercup exclaimed. "Where's Bubbles?" Brick asked. Just then, they heard the banging on a window and saw Bubbles face pressed against the glass. "Guys! I saved us a seat!" She exclaimed in a muffled voice. Blossom and Buttercup facepalmed. "Speaking of blondes, where's Boomer?" Butch asked. Just then, a voice cracked, "Wait for me!". They all turned to where the voice came from and saw Boomer was running up the hill with all his bags strung over his shoulders. "I'm here!" Boomer said out of breath. "Why are you out of breath? Your superpower is literal speed," Butch asked. "Brick told me to double-check I didn't leave anything behind. So I did. This place is big ya know!" Boomer exclaimed. Brick was confused but then suddenly got it and facepalmed. "I meant our cabin, not the entire woods, genius!" Brick exclaimed. "Whatever! I'm here now. Let's go," Boomer huffed. Everyone got on the bus and Bubbles exclaimed, "Guys! I saved us all seats back here!" They walk over and sit down in the spots Bubbles saved and began talking.


𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏, 𝐩𝐩𝐠 𝐱 𝐫𝐫𝐛Where stories live. Discover now