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𝒑 𝒐 𝒘 𝒆 𝒓 𝒑 𝒖 𝒇 𝒇

	Blossom took a sigh of relief once they had finally made it to this campground, knowing she would not have stood another second in that bus

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Blossom took a sigh of relief once they had finally made it to this campground, knowing she would not have stood another second in that bus. 

They were told to meet in the Mess Hall for them to receive their cabins. 

She sat down in the front next to her sisters. 

"How was the bus ride for you guys?" She asked. 

Bubbles and Buttercup groaned. 

"As bad as it could've been," Bubbles sighed.

 "Same," Buttercup agreed. 

"Me too--." Blossom was interrupted by Ms. Nicole shushing and silencing everyone in the Mess Hall.

"Alrighty, kids! I will be listing off your name and what your cabin will be. So once your name is called, start making your way to your cabin and settle in. Okay? Okay!

Beaver Cabin: Mitch, James, Taka Chan, Jordan.

Bear Cabin: Brent, Brick, Butch, Boomer.

Squirrel Cabin: Morebucks, Robin, Chloe, Melanie.

Fox Cabin: Sheila, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles."

The girls got up and made their way to their cabin. 

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"Is this the one?" Bubbles asked as they approached a cabin. 

"It says Fox doesn't it?" Buttercup asked sarcastically. 

Blossom rolled her eyes and opened the door to find two bunk beds and cute lanterns everywhere. 

"This cabin is beautiful!" Bubbles exclaimed. 

"Wow," Buttercup said in a surprised voice. 

"I CALL TOP BUNK!" Blossom shouted, flying up to the top bunk of one of the beds. 

"I CALL TOP BUNK!" Buttercup shouted, jumping all the way up to the other top bunk. 

"I'm fine with being bottom bunk," Bubbles shrugged. 

"What about you, Sheila?" The girls turned to Sheila and gasped to see how pale she was. 

She had a greenish look, almost like she was gonna blow chunks any second. 

"Girls," she started in a weak voice, "I'm gonna go to the Infirmary." 

The girls nodded their heads and Sheila walked out, closing the door behind her. 

"She looked terrible," Buttercup said bluntly, starting to unpack her clothes. 

"Buttercup!" Bubbles exclaimed.

 "What?!" Buttercup asked defensively. 

"That was rude!" Bubbles exclaimed in her pouty voice. 

"It's true though!" Buttercup defended. 

"Girls, chill out," Blossom demanded in a calm voice, "She should be fine. Worst case scenario she goes home." 

Bubbles and Buttercup shrugged in agreement before they continued unpacking.

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"So this is our cabin?" Boomer asked. 

"It says Bear doesn't it, Genius?" Brick answered, sarcastically. 

Boomer rolled his eyes as Butch opened the cabin door to show two bunk beds and aesthetic bear prints on the floors and walls. 

"It's fine," Boomer  shrugged. 

"DIBS ON TOP BUNK!" Butch shouted as they walked in. 

He jumped up on the top bunk and stuck his tongue out at the others below. 

"DIBS ON TOP BUNK!" Brick shouted as well,  jumping up to the other top bunk.

"HEY! I don't want bottom bunk!" Boomer exclaimed. 

"Well, too bad," Butch teased. 

"And you're supposed to be the one with super speed," Brick snickered. 

"Hey, guys," Brent spoke up in a weak voice. 

The boys turned to look at him, confused. 

They had honestly forgotten he was even there. 

"I don't feel good. I'm gonna go to the Infirmary." 

"Whatever," Brick dismissed.

 "Don't care," Butch shrugged. 

Brent rolled his eyes and walked to the Infirmary, closing the door behind him. 

"Should we start unpacking?" Boomer asked. 

"Nah," Butch answered, getting comfortable. 

"Whatever," Boomer replied.

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