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Everyone was back at camp and doing their activities when Ms. Nicole yelled in her bullhorn, "Everyone come around the firepit for important announcements. Everyone stopped what they were doing and began walking over to the firepit. "I wonder what the announcements are," Bubbles stated quizzically. Everyone sat down around the firepit and Ms. Nicole began. "Okay! So first, stop trading Fun Dip like drugs. It's stupid and if I catch someone doing it, I'm gonna have you help Murphy clean the Mess Hall after Sloppy Joe night. Butch," Ms. Nicole announced while glaring at Butch. Butch rolled his eyes. "Also, today is the Bright Oak Tug of War Day! Each cabin must nominate three people to battle in the tug of war. And finally, tomorrow is the Bright Oak Ball! A dance floor, DJ, and snacks will be set up here in the Quad and you will be able to take someone to the dance! Alright, go nominate your champions and meet back here in 10 minutes." This is perfect! Boomer, Brick, and Butch thought in unison. The girls went back to their cabin to discuss who will be playing. "You girls, obviously. Why is this even up for discussion?" Sheila demanded. "You sure, Sheil?" Buttercup asked. "I am. You girls are crazy strong, you'll be able to beat those other cabins without even breaking a sweat," Sheila replied. "Okay. Let's go back out there," Blossom stated. The girls walked back out and everyone else had picked their champions.

Bears: Boomer, Brick, Butch

Beavers: Unable to play (Taka Chan and Jordan are in the hospital)

Squirrels: Robin, Morebucks, Chloe

Foxes: Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup

"Since half of the Beavers Team are in the hospital, looks like the Squirrels and Foxes will have to battle it out to see who's gonna go against the Bears," Ms. Nicole announced. The Foxes and the Squirrels grabbed onto opposing sides of the rope. "First on to drag the flag over the line wins! GO!" Ms. Nicole exclaimed. The Foxes gave a light tug and easily pulled the flag over the line. "Foxes win! Squirrels get outta here! Bears come on down!" Ms. Nicole announced. The boys walked down smirking and grabbed their end of the rope. "Don't worry, we won't beat you guys to badly," Butch taunted. "If by beat us, you mean lose horribly, then be our guest," Blossom retaliated. Brick blushed. She's good. He thought. "GO!" Ms. Nicole announced. Both cabins began pulling and there was a real struggle with the boys. "Jesus! How much do you girls bench?!" Butch exclaimed. "We're not even trying, boys. What's the matter? Can't keep up with a couple of girls?!" Buttercup taunted. The boys kicked it into overdrive. Brick started using his fire powers, Butch started using his super strength, and Boomer started using his electrical powers. "So you wanna use powers, huh?" Blossom asked. "Let's lay it on 'em, girls!" Blossom started using her ice powers, Buttercup started using her super strength, and Bubbles started using her electrical powers. They continued pulling and pulling and suddenly, the rope snapped. The girls went flying into the lake and the boys flew through 5 trees. "Ugh, I feel like I just got hit by a monster truck," Boomer says while trying to stand up. "That's not even half of it," Butch added while holding his bleeding arm. "That was bound to happen," Brick added while grabbing his hat and standing up. "What do you mean?" Boomer asked. "Something can only take so much pressure until it blows back. Like if you annoyingly poke someone until they get annoyed and slap your hand away," Brick explained. "When did Blossom come over here?" Butch joked. "Which reminds me, idiots! The girls!" Brick exclaimed. The boys flew over to the lakeshore and saw the girls crawling out. "Ugh! Seriously! You guys get thrown in a tree but we get thrown in a lake!" Buttercup exclaimed while tapping the water out her ears. "I officially hate that lake," Blossom sighed while ringing out her hair. "You girls okay?" Boomer asked. "I think a mino swam in my shoe," Bubbles answered while adjusting her shoe. "IT'S A TIE!" Ms. Nicole shouted. No sh*t. Brick thought.


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