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"And so I said to her, you point that finger at me one more time, and I'll karate chop it off,"

"That is so wrong in many levels Benjamin," Dad said, giving his firstborn a concerned look.

"Isn't she your art teacher?"

"Yeah, well no one asked for her opinion," Ben said shrugging.

It was much later in the evening now. Ricky and I ran downstairs as soon as my dad announced that dinner was ready. This had to be the most awkward yet comfortable dinner.

Yes, I said awkward and comfortable in the same sentence.

Because every time I looked up from my plate, Ricky was looking at me, and because of Noodle Head boy, my stomach wanted to leave my body.

Who gave this son of his mother, permission to look this good?

After everything was over and my dad decided it was time for everyone to leave, I told Ricky we could meet up earlier tomorrow so he could show me his own version of "When There Was Me and You" and he agreed. A few other looks here and there and finally I was alone in my room at the end of the night.

"So? Am I gonna have to worry about Ricky now?" My dad asked as he rested against the frame of my door.

"Wha-why do you say that?" I asked him. I sensed what he was trying to ask but I did what every good criminal does. Deny, deny, deny.

"I was a teenager once too, you know?" He said walking into my room and sitting beside me on my bed.

"I know, although I try not to think about that." I said laughing as I looked around my room, clearly avoiding eye contact.

"Well, I saw something different today." He said. "So, just... just, promise me you'll let me know when things change between you two?"


"I just, I would like to know when my little girl isn't just mine." He said looking at me. His eyes were watering. "I always shared you with Ben, and up to some point with Ricky but this would be, a whole other level."

I didn't say anything. Actions speak louder than words. So I hugged him.

"I love you, dad."

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