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"Well, that was something." James said, laughing. What?

"I gotta go talk to him." I said, ignoring what he just said.

"What?" He asked.

"Bye, I gotta go talk to my best friend." I said, a little bit louder.

James has been talking to me ever since I walked into the rehearsal room, and it was fine, I mean now I know he is cute and funny. But Ricky is more important. Ricky will always be more important.

"Okay." he said.

Not that I needed your approval.

I turned and ran towards the main entrance of the school.


This had been a stupid idea. Why did I thought I could fix things with both girls?

I hadn't thought about Nini in a while. I mean during the summer I didn't had one doubt about getting back together with her. But then Lu crashed right back into my life and I totally forgot about Nini.

I am a terrible person. I am so stupid.

"Dude, what did she say, why are we leaving?" Big Red asked behind me.

"Cause, Operation Troy was a huge mistake!" I replied. "Just made things worse"

Operation Troy was how we both named this theater thing that would win me back both hearts of the girls I loved.

Turns out I don't want both, I just want one, Lu's heart.

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This was a massive mistake. I'm such an idiot.
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"There you are!" Carlos yelled as he walked through the doors. "Miss Jen wants everyone back in the room"

"Tell Miss Jen I'm done, okay?" I said. "I'm sorry I can't dance like Fred Rogers."

"It's Fred Astaire." Carlos bubbled. "Fred Rogers is Mister Rogers."

"And he never danced." Lu said, appearing right behind Carlos. "He potty trained puppets."

"Seriously?" Red said. "I was impressed he made dolls that could cry."

"Ricky..." Lu said, looking at me.

Wasn't she with James? What's is she doing here?

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Ricky, you can't give up just like that," she answered. "You can't..-

"James and Nini were right," I said. I suddenly felt like my brain and my mouth are weren't working together anymore. One said a thing, and the other said something different. "I'm taking up space, I don't belong upstage."

"Ricky, that it's not true you-

"Save it Lu, if I go back there Nini will probably quit, and you need her a lot more than you need me." I said and I walked away.

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