【 9 】

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I jumped out of Ben's car, sighing.
It was too early for this shit.

I then started walking up to his window

"Thanks for dropping me"

"Yeah whatever, just know you owe, big time!" He said, reclining he's seat.

"Aren't you going back home?"

"Nope, I'm sleeping here, now leave, you're taking precious minutes of my sleep" He replied.


I walked away from the parked car and into the school, making my way to the theater. There, Miss Jen and Carlos were sitting at their table.

"Thanks for coming in earlier" Carlos said as he stood up from his chair.

I was about to talk when a guy walked in, he looked about our age, had a pretty tanned skin tone and his eyes where really pretty. I would drool but I have to be decent.

"Good morning" the mystery guy said.

"Am... yeah, good morning" I said awkwardly.

"So, Lucia" Miss Jen said, standing up from her seat. "Carlos and I have been talking lately. You know what relationship was never shown enough in the movie?"

What movie? ... Nope, wait I got. Wow you are slow, Lu.

"Uh... Kelseys and Ryans?" I guessed.

"Nope, Sharpay and Zeke were never given the chance to shine" Carlos said.

"So, we made a few calls, had a few auditions, and, tadaaa!" Miss Jen said, doing jazz hands.

Carlos walked up to us, stood between me and the stranger and said:

"Lucia, I want you to meet my cousin, James" He said. "And James, I want you to meet Lucia"

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"If Ricky is going to make a move by himself, he just needs a little push, and what better than to get some competence in his way"

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Carlos took a step back and allowed me to turn around and the now not-stranger boy; James. He immediately offered me his hand to shake it. I took it. He had the brightest smile it was almost scary.

"He will be the Zeke to your Sharpay, Lucia" Carlos said in the background.

"Hi" I said, incredibly low.

"Hi" he said. His voice was deep, I felt shivers down my spine.

"Well, guys, that was all" Miss Jen said. "You can go now"

James let got of my hand and I immediately stood straight. I gave him a slight smile and walked to my backpack. I picked it up and practically ran to the exit door.

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