Bestfriend~ (Oneshot) 😈

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WARNING ⚠ : Contains slight mature themes. If this makes you uncomfy, the next chapter contains pure fluff and a tiny bit of crack. Enjoy.

Silence. Peaceful, uncontaminated silence in its purest form.

That was the heaven you enjoyed whilst burrowed underneath layers of warm blankets on a Saturday morning. It was rare that you were ever able to enjoy such a thing as this. Unfortunately, like most good things, your silence-filled morning was ended by the sound of your alarm clock wailing for you to get up.

With a jolt and an annoyed grunt, you blindly reached out from your sanctuary to push your clock off the edge of your nightstand effectively shutting it up. A sigh escaped your lips as you pulled your phone from the nightstand into the depths of your bed to check the time. For a second, after switching it on, you swore the second coming of the lord had occurred but you realized that your brightness setting was way too high.

The time read 6:00 am in bright white font causing you to groan again in agony. You had accidentally managed to wake at a reasonable time. As you rolled onto your back and removed the covers from your face, a deeper groan sounded to the left of you. Like a turtle emerging from its shell, a floof of white hair peeked out from its nest of blankets and pillows on the other side of your bed. "Why on earth did you set an alarm for the literal ass crack of dawn on a Saturday???", your longtime best friend Danny said with sleep and annoyance lacing his tone.

You shrugged and muttered, "I probably forgot to turn it off last night.", while returning your phone to its place on the nightstand surface. You rolled over to find Danny glaring at you groggily. You glared back and poked your tongue out at him childishly. Danny rolled his eyes at you while lazily reaching up to flick your forehead. "We might as well get up and do something productive since we're awake. Come on, I'll make waffles.", you spoke while getting out of bed and stretching widely. Behind you, Danny muttered a 'no' and rolled over to continue his sleep.

You rolled your eyes and stood near the door of your shared room, thinking of ways to get him out of bed. A thought crossed your mind and a mischievous smirk made its way onto your features. You opened the door with an exaggerated sigh and say, "That's too bad I suppose. Maybe I'll invite Kevin to get breakfast with me.". You watched as he stopped moving under the cover at your words. The smirk on your face only grew as you step halfway out the door and prepared to run. "Who knows? I might even invite Brandon over.~", you said as you dashed down the stairs and into your living room. Danny's rushed footfalls echoed throughout the house as he skipped four steps at a time.

Once he spotted you, he pointed an accusatory finger at you. "No. You did not just go there.", he said with an air of sass. "Oh but I did.", you fired back as you walked into the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast for the two of you. "You may have won the battle, but you will NOT win the war!!", Danny yelled as he made his way upstairs to begin his morning routine. You chuckled knowing that this was the beginning of a fun-filled day.


The buzzing sound of overlapped chatter and life caressed your ears along with the sound of clinking glasses as you stared at the wonder across from you. The day had been progressive and calm for the most part. You had dragged Danny through the city to take care of errands, and he had done the same. The two of you goofed off a bit here and there whenever one of you felt the vibe had gotten too serious. Now, you and your bestie were chilling in your favorite café before it was time to get home.

Danny was gazing out the window watching life go by whilst occasionally sipping his tea. You had taken it upon yourself to commit every single one of his features to memory as if you hadn't a thousand times before. He was a work of art, and you simply couldn't help yourself. The way his fluffy white hair fell perfectly into place, the evenness of his unblemished skin, the razor-sharpness of his jawline, and the delicate yet rugged curve of his neck never failed to leave you in awe. He must've felt your eyes on him because his warm chocolate ones suddenly connected with yours.

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