Chapter 7

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Ginger ^^

"So luna, would you like me to show you around?" Ginger asked loudly, seeming to knock Landon out of the trance he had now been in for a while.

"Uh, sure. That'd be great Ginger" Landon's arms tightened around me and a humming sound began to fill the room. Ginger giggled while Cassidy just scoffed.

"Don't mind him" Ginger said "It's just his wolf wanting to be close to you. Just flick him or something and he should let you go" Flicking seemed to be this mans Achilles heal.
Yet again I flicked his ear and immediately he let me go to hold it with both of his hands.

"Natalia, I will not tell you again". I shrugged and trailed over to ginger, smiling at the babies she held.
Landon looked on with a smile on his face, still holding his red ear with care. It was hard to take that smile seriously when he looked so harmed by my flicking.
"If you'll follow me Miss luna. Bye baby! We'll be in town!" Ginger shouted, even though Cassidy was only mere steps away from her.

I headed for the doors when Landon pulled me back and encased me with those Ink stained arms yet again.
"Don't try and run kitten, because I will find you; and when I do you won't be getting away from me ever again". I sighed dramatically and brought my elbow forward before bringing it back and hitting him squarely in the ribs.
But he only chuckled and hurried his head into my neck, moving my hair over and inhaling.
"Oh and don't do that again, or you'll be marked and mated much faster to show you just how rough I really am".
I shivered and had to force myself out of his embrace, grabbing a random brown jacket from the post besides the door and following Ginger out.
"Be safe" Cassidy said, looking at Ginger with love.
Ginger nodded and skipped down towards the garage. I looked around seeing multiple cars, not highly expensive cars. Just trucks, a few audis and some bikes. I spotted Landon's car just outside and smiled, Looks like my guy is into his trucks. Wait, my guy?

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the thought of him being mine. What was happening to me?

Ginger walked over to one of the trucks and pulled out 2 strollers from the back.
"Do you mind holding Josh for me? He gets cranky when he sees the strollers" I smiled and nodded, taking the tiny human being in my arms.
He stared up at me with big blue eyes, sucking his thumb and holding the White blanket he was wrapped in tightly.
"He likes you" Ginger said, taking him from me and placing him next to his brother in the matching strollers.

We began walking down the street towards an unfamiliar town as I asked the one question that had been on my mind.
"So, you and Cassidy Huh?" She laughed and handed me one of the strollers to push.
"Yep, trust me, no one was as surprised as I was".
"But how did you guys get the twins? If you don't mind me asking of course". She shook her head and looked at me, her red hair swaying with every step she took.
"No, it's perfectly fine Luna-"
"Just Talia, or Tali is fine" She looked worried, seeming as though she was afraid she had offended me.
"I'm sorry lu-Tali, it's's exciting having a luna for the first time in eons"

I still couldn't wrap my head around that one. A pack without a Luna? It just wasn't heard of. A Luna made the pack whole, a motherly figure that served as a glue to keep everyone together.

"Anyway, the twins are adopted of course. We learned of a group of rogues taking down the dark star pack a few months ago. At first we thought nothing of it but, one of our pack warriors sensed an alpha present with the remains of the dead pack. Long story short the luna had given birth to two twins before she died. The rogues had left them in the basement to die for two days. We took them after that."

I had to stop myself from staring at this young girl with astonishment and respect. She had saved these two infants and was now taking them on as her own.
"Enough of the doom and gloom! Let's go get a coffee. Unless of course you wanted to go shopping?" I bit my lip in wonder, I wasn't one of those girls that hated shopping. If I was alone I loved it but when I was with other people I couldn't stand the judgemental looks I got from what I was going to buy or try on.

"A coffee sounds good". She sighed and headed towards the nearest Starbucks which was about 2 minutes away, a pack that didn't rely on cars to take them everywhere. Now that was rare.

"UHG! I need like 2 more cents! Can't you just let me have the muffin?" The cashier shook her head and smirked at ginger with a look that could kill.

"Sorry sugar, no muffin for you today. Maybe you should go ask that mate of yours. What was her name again?" I growled at the woman for her lack of respect and grabbed the chocolate muffin from her long pale fingers.

"Her name is Cassidy, and you'll do well to remember that you are speaking to the beta female of the pack. Try any of this sh!t again and you won't just be dealing with a piśśed off Beta, you'll be dealing with me".

I stalked over to a booth in the back, taking the twins out of their strollers and passing Josh to Ginger and the other, who's name I hadn't seemed to learn yet, next to me.

"Thanks...for defending me back there Talia" I sipped my caramel latte and smiled at her.

"You don't have to thank me Ginger. That b!tch should learn her place. A mate is a mate, no matter what gender or age. She should do well to remember that". She cast her eyes down and smiled a sad smile.
I leaned over and patted her arm, bringing her attention back to me to get her out of the pit of memories I'm sure she was delving into.

"So tell me about Landon." I said, attempting to change the subject. She laughed and sat with her mouth agape.
"I still can't believe you don't know his first name" I shrugged and let the baby next to me have a bite of my cookie.
"I didn't wanna intrude. It's not like I'm gonna accept him anyway." She laughed yet again. Bobbing Josh up and down on her knee.

"Trust me, you won't. He's a good guy Y'know? He'd do anything for you. I'm sure he hasn't told you his name because he pretty much hates it since that stupid book came out"
My brow furrowed as I looked on in confusion.

"What book?"
"You know, that fifty shades of black thingamajig" I spat my coffee out immediately, being careful not to drench the boys but failed as a spot of it hit the White bib on the unknown child next to me.

"Don't worry about Bradley, he pretty much doesn't even know where he is ninety percent of the time."

I was still shocked at Landon's name.

"You mean fifty shades of grey, right?" She clicked her fingers and fell back into her chair with a thud.

"Is that what it's called!? I've been calling it fifty shades of black since it came out!"

"H-his names Christian?" She nodded and sipped her espresso slyly, grinning widely as she watched the cogs turn inside my head.

"You love the books. I know. I can tell by your expression." Loved the books was an understatement. The books pretty much brought my wildest fantasies alive. Whips, canes and all that jazz had sorta been my weak point since I was 15 and Daniel and I did some, lets just say experimenting.

"Well the dead old alpha has a feisty one on his hands Huh?" I chuckled and put down my coffee.

"We should be heading back Huh?" She nodded and pulled on her coat, placing the muffin in Josh's hands while strapping him into the stroller, then repeating the process with Bradley.

"Come on then, let's get you back to your Christian black-I mean grey! Dammït! I suck at jokes!" I laughed and headed back towards the pack house with Ginger.

Tonight should be eventful with Mr Christian Landon.

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