26 - Sunflower

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Jisung POV

It had an odd feeling moving, like when something is so small you miss it but then nostalgia hits and so do all the memories and this house holds them all, it holds everything and to think me and Minho are finally moving to the countryside, somewhere smaller almost seems impossible.

The boys both came down to help, they would come down most weekends to make themselves useful, or we would just talk and I can tell that today would be a day filled with talking.

Talking about what, the time we brought each of them home and the cats didn't know how to respond, now there are no cats, they all died a long time ago and didn't have the heart to replace them.

When we told them about Saemin and JaeJi was too young to understand but by his subsequent respect when walking past her photos in the hallway he understood her significance. The hallways themselves, lines with family photos and important events, there placement on the wall would be lost but most thing in the house would be.

There would be no more Callander on the left when you walked in telling us appointments and key dates, it was always filled despite there being nothing to do.

The house wouldn't be ours anymore, it was like the memories would be taken with it. The 5 sunflowers we planted in the back garden when Hyukjin was 10 had long since gone but there place remained, is that what the house would become a place of the past, where all we could do was remember. I didn't want to remember it made me cry because the past was happy and sad and every emotion and I didn't want to let it go.

Me and Minho were old now, Minho's hearing had gotten worse but so had mine, the kids, weren't kids anymore, they hadn't been for years. JaeJi is a father to a baby girl he adopted with Haru about 3 years ago, a few years after marriage. But Hyukjin was an experienced father and one much better than I was. I never saw myself as the protector or a saviour, I was just Jisung. And Minho was just Minho.

We could drive away from this house and never think about it again but that would mean never thinking about the birthdays, the day we got the cats, the times before the kids, when it was just me and Minho. When life was almost perfect. I know life can get more complicated but for us it never did we were both loved by each other and that's all we wanted everyone else was a bonus.

But nothing lasts forever, the sun sets and the sunflowers stop growing, they don't need the support anymore and they don't need any guidance, they are big enough to be a flower in their own right. But they'll always keep the sun with them. And our children will keep us with them. And us, well we never went anywhere. But I think now it's time to leave, our journey has reached it climax, what more is there to life than pure happiness. We need nothing else, so I suppose we are now the sunflowers.

The End :)

I hope you enjoyed the book and the last chapter, please tell me entering I can improve on and please check out my other story, thanks to everyone who read this book :)

One final question, what is your favourite fanfic (SKZ preferably)? Because I kind of want some recommendations.

Mine are:
stayofmemories 'Our faults' particularly, like I re-read it basically after finishing it.
minhopuppy  anything by them but their stories are so good!

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