13 - We can do it

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Jisung POV
Me and Minho didn't know how to cope with JaeJi's epilepsy, it felt so sudden and so obvious, I feel ashamed that I missed something so important. I'm clearly not good enough to be a nurse.

I was at the hospital doing my general rounds when a women comes up to me in the waiting room 'excuse me sir' she says tapping my shoulder 'I was just wondering what talking so long' she says looking at me 'there's a lot of patients, that's all' I say writing something on a chart 'yes I understand but I think my daughter really needs to see a doctor, they said it would be maximum an hours almost 3 hours ago, I'm worried about her' she says rather frantically. 'Well we have a free bed now, I'm sure someone could take a look' she nods her head and picks up her daughter and follows me into a cubical.

'So what seems to be the problem' I ask getting my stethoscope ready to look at breathing and heart function. 'She's been experiencing hot and cold flushed and she keeps collapsing randomly, but mainly after doing physical activities' i nods my head and ask a doctor to come take a closer look 'we'll do everything we can' I say while smiling and walking away to another patient.

Toward the end of my shift I see the same woman from earlier crying outside of the toilets 'heys what's the matter' I say rushing towards her, she sobs into my chest and I ask again 'what's wrong' 'she's going to die' she says wiping her tears but continuing to cry 'why, what's the matter' she blacked out and stopped breathing, they said she was epileptic and it could happen at anytime, she could just stop breathing or choke and die, I can't have that happen, she's all I have' I freeze before continuing to pat her back 'I'm sure she'll be fine as long as she gets treatment' I say it to comfort her but now I'm nervous, could that happen to JaeJi.

Minho POV
I pick Hyukjin off at school, and he's getting better at speech, although he can't say much and what he can say is extremely stuttered, it's an I pry from nothing.

However when I get there, there are a few kids surrounding him, they seem older, and he looks scared, I get out of the car just before they push him.

He fall out of his wheelchair and lets out the most heartbreaking sob, I rush over and get there after his assistant teacher, I look towards the kids and glare at them while their teacher I assume scolds them.

I take Hyukjin in my arms and try to sooth him 'it's alright baby' I keep saying as I cradle him in my arms, then what I notice is my shirt getting damp, and not from tears, but from blood, his head was bleeding. 'Excuse me, can you ring an ambulance' I say to Miss Yu who does it immediately on seeing the situation.

I stay with Hyukjin, but I wasn't just there to pick up him, I'm here for JaeJi as well while just started school. We know it's a risk with his epilepsy but he too has an assistant teacher so if anything were to happen we would know. But I see JaeJi running down the corridor and he looks happy and then his smile drops. He looks at his brother and bursts into tears, he squeezes his eyes shut and puts his hands over his ears as the sound of the ambulance approaches.

Miss Yu helps Hyukjin into the ambulance as I try and calm down JaeJi, in these moments he doesn't like to be touched and he calms down on his own, but we need to go with Hyukjin to the hospital and I can't leave him hear to have a meltdown. 'JaeJi sweetheart' I say softly 'we need to go to the hospital for your brother' he sniffles and looks at me before he cries again 'can I carry you' he shakes his head but walks towards the ambulance, well at least he's calmed down .

Jisung POV
I was sitting at the reception desk finishing off the last few files I had to complete before I had to leave. I saw some paramedics come in and thought little of it, until I heard a cry, an ear piercing cry, that I knew belonged to JaeJi. I stood up immediately and saw Minho and JaeJi walking after the paramedics.

'Minho' I said shocked as JaeJi continued to cry, his hands covering his ears trying to block out all of the noise 'Minho what happened' I asked him as he looked at the paramedics who went through the dots to the emergency department.

'Some kids at his school, Jisung they just pushed him' Minho said looking at me with tears in how eyes 'he hurt his head' he said looking down at JaeJi who was now holding onto Minho's leg 'and he came and just had a meltdown, I think he's going to have a seizure' he said panicked as JaeJi's grip loosened and he started to shake and lose consciousness. I crouched down to get his head so he wouldn't hurt himself and then just let him have his fit. It lasted about 3 minutes and it seemed like a small one, but his emotions where now all out and he was tired. He made grabby hands at me and I just stared at him frozen thinking in that moment he could have died, stopped breathing and I started to hyperventilate and sob, I crouched down in the floor with my head tucked between my knees, Minho held my hand and rubbed my back, whispering a soft 'we can do this' as JaeJi also hugged me.

I hope my depiction of epilepsy is alright I did research on it but I'm still worried, anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I have you are having a nice Easter of you celebrate it or if it's a general thing in your country :)

This question is Kingdom related, Who do you think will win?

I think Ikon will win but I hope it's Stray Kids I just have this feeling and plus Ikon are a pretty big group especially in comparison to the others, so I think they'll win. But honestly it could be anyone and they all deserve it.

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