7 - I Just Want To Cry

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TW: I suppose but there's a bit of homophobia in this chapter

Minho POV
'Sir, excuse me sir' I heard someone say as I was walking through the aisle of the convenience store. I was sent by Jisung to get some more baby items, mainly dippers and formula. But I was also instructed to get something for dinner, which I an currently doing, I decided on stake and mashed potatoes with just some greens, I think that should be fine. I lost my head up and see some women storming down the aisle towards me 'erm can I help you' I say as she is standing right in front of me. 'Leave my store' she said harshly I shake my head look straight and her and ask with a slight bite 'why' 'because you are breaking the rules of my store' she says angrily back. I think for a moment, what did I do wrong, and come up with nothing 'I'm sorry but what rule did I break' I say confused 'your going down aisles people like you shouldn't go down'. Ah now I get it this is about me being gay, I don't know how she knows but she does and most people are accepting but some aren't. 'Can I put for my items before I leave l, it's too late to go anywhere else' I say looking down. 'No' she says clearings a path for me 'I would like you to leave immediately' I nod my head and walk out the store putting my basket down where I was stood.

Jisung POV
I hear the door open and Minho taking or his coat and shoes, what I don't hear is the rustling of bags being put down. I have Hyukjin in my hands rocking him slightly. 'Minho baby' I call and I get no response, I walk to the entry way of our house and see him sat on the ground with his head in his hands. I quickly put Hyukjin down and return, I crouch down next to him and put his hands away from his head 'baby what's wrong, what happened' I say softly trying to get him to look at me, he sniffles and wipes his nose and eyes before saying 'I was kicked out' I look at him confused, Minho doesn't break rules 'why' I ask stroking his hair, Minho puts his hands on the ground and pulls himself up before saying 'because I was gay' he says and then walks past me.

He walks into the baby's room and sits on the chair next to his crib 'Hyukie I'm sorry I couldn't get your milk' he says before standing up and kissing his forehead and turning the visual monitor on. He walks out of the room takes my hand and leads me to our bedroom.

He throws me on the bed as he takes off his sweater, I'm already in sleep where, he doesn't take his hearing aid out, indicating he wants to talk to me.

However he gets on top of me and kisses me, passionately my hands go to his head and I hum in satisfaction. He licks my lips and I open my mouth my hands go to his back and he rolls us over. He moves down my neck and starts kissing my pulse before sucking on it. 'Minho' I say out of breath slightly' he just continues to kiss me 'baby, you need to stop' I say and then I feel my sweater getting wet and he's no longer sucking on my neck.

'I'm sorry' he says and he brings his face into my view. 'What for' I say as I roll down next to him. 'For getting so angry' he says as he snuggles into me 'Minho I understand, you've been discriminated against all your life and it hasn't happened for a while, well not so obviously, you have a right to feel angry and upset about it' he lays his head on my chest before he gets up and takes his hearing aid out he quietly says 'I love you' I tap him in the hand and kiss it indicating I love him too.

'It'll be alright baby' I say kissing his head 'but you hurting just makes me want to cry' I say kissing him again.

We both fall asleep almost instantly in each other's arms, that is until I hear rustling from the baby monitor, indicating that Hyukjin is awake. I got to him and feed him before putting him back to sleep, and crawling back to Minho.

'I love you' I say kidding his head and placing it back on my chest as I snuggle back into his arms.

Enjoy :)

I'm going to ask another question even though no one has commented on my last two but it just want to ask them for me.

What is your favourite SKZ songs and album?

My favourite song is definitely Phobia but my favourite album is probably Levanter. 

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