24 - Proud Parents

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It's the Christmas after JaeJi himself graduates university, him and Haru are happy and are most definitely still together for around 6 years and Haru has a question to ask Minho and Hyukjin, at this point advice from Jonghwa in how to propose would be much appreciated. He's wanted to ask for at least a year he's just never found the right time and he doesn't think a family Christmas gathering is the right time, but the time will come.

Christmas at their house is always hectic, now even more so with grandchildren running around, Hyukjin now has two children Jimin and Jaeyoung, Jimin developed lung problems not too long after her first birthday but Jaeyoung is a healthy baby boy.

All of Jiusng and Minho's friends come round including their children, Seungmin and Jeongin don't have children, something to do with them disgusting Seungmin but they have 3 dogs, which are treat like their children. Chan and Felix only have Haru, who has no children. Hyunjin and Changbin have Jonghwa who last year welcomed his own baby boy into the world, with Naeyoung he's called Minhyun, so there isn't really that many more people.

Jisung POV

Christmas is always a good time to embarrass the kids, who aren't kids anymore but this year with JaeJi graduated and Hyukjin having a happy family and good job me and Minho feel proud we hope to show that to them, with little gifts, photo books to be exact.

'Welcome everyone' I say turning the Christmas tree on, it's simply decorated, there are snacks out but before any of that we share gifts. I nod my head at Minho who gets Hyukjin while I get JaeJi, they look confused but we tell the group we'll be back in a minute which calms the two boys down.

'We have something for the both of you' Minho says holding two boxes, one is wrapped in simple red paper and the other has snowflakes on, there's no significance in who for which wrapping paper we just wanted them to be given different ones.

Hyukjin opens his gift first and pulls out a lilac book, there's writing on the first page and through out on the back of photos, exclusively done by Minho while JaeJi pulls out a black book with similar writing done by myself, they have different messages but in whole they have reasons why we are proud of them.

The first picture Hyukjin looks at is one from when he was just a new born, in the hospital, he's tiny, the back says something about him being a sunflower. JaeJi pulls out one from his 4 birthday not long before he was diagnosed with epilepsy, the note says that I wish that smile never dims. We mean everything throughout the photo books.

Hyukjin is wiping his tears as he reads trough a few more photos before motioning for Minho to hug him. I approached him and join the hug 'we love you Hyukie' I say into his scalp, JaeJi stands up and joins the hug saying 'we love you too' before embracing us fully, Hyukjin laughs at what I'm not sure but we all end up laughing 'we're so proud of you both' Minho says parting both of the boy's back, Hyukjin cuddles into him while me and JaeJi leave the group hug.

No more words need to be spoken for us to know how much we mean to them and them to us.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, which are getting progressively shorter and shorter :)

This question is which idols share the same birthday as you?

From the top of my head I can only immediately think of Ryujin from Itzy, both of our birthdays are the 17th of April, tomorrow.

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