8 - Wheelchair

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3 Years Later

Hyukjin was now 3 years old and he had been developing as expected, as parents Minho and Jiusng never got to witness his first steps or his first words. But they had prepared themselves for that since he was born.

Today however was a special day, Chan and Felix were bringing their son home, they couldn't conceive, so they adopted, from Young Wings. The chose a small boy called Haru who wasn't overly social but very intelligent, well for a 5 year old. He was awkward and didn't like hugs but when he met Hyukjin they cuddled straight away.

Jisung POV
I'd just gotten home from a hard shift at the hospital, I went back last year, when I felt happy leaving Hyukjin with someone else. Today was Minho's off day, and also his quite days. He would never have his hearing aid on and he would just sign with Hyukjin. I wasn't great at understanding them because they were much better than I was. But I had learnt as soon as Minho told me he was deaf.

10 Years Ago
Jisung POV
Minho had asked to come see me in his room, we hadn't been dating for very long, but I felt like this was important.

I knocked on the door and I heard a chain unlocked and it opened, revealing Minho in his casual clothes, glasses on and hair slightly disheveled. He pecked me in the cheek and motioned for me to come in.

'What's the...' I began to ask before I was cut off 'I'm deaf' Minho said over me. I looked up and him and said 'okay' I stood up and walked towards him 'do you have a hearing aid' he nodded and moved the hair away from his left ear 'I was scared to tell you' he said looking down 'why I said stroking his cheek 'because I though you would leave me' he burst into toward. I took him in my arms and patted his back giving him soft reassurances that I was not going to leave him.

Present day
Minho POV
I saw Jiusng come in through the corner of my eye. Me and Hyukjin were playing a board game for children. 'Hey baby' I say softly, I think, he just waved at me. He looked down but also like he didn't want to talk about it.

I put my hearing aid in so we could have a conversation. 'What's the matter' I asked as he fell onto the sofa. 'You little trouble maker are going to be the death of me' he said while going to tickle Hyukjin, and then I realised someone at work probably asked about the drawing on his hand or got in trouble with his boss, good I thought and sighed, nothing is wrong.

'What have you two been up to' he asked looking back at me. 'We have been playing games and we went to the park' Hyukjin looked at me and nodded fast indicating that that indeed is why we did today. He pointed to me and motioned licking an ice cream. 'Oh yes, we bought ice cream and he got very hyper, he even went on the swing' I said to Jisung, who faked looking upset over his lack of ice cream.

'appa did a good job looking after you, didn't he hyukie' I said while patting Hyukjin's hair. 'There were some mean girls in the park, who tried to pick on him though' I said to Jisung, 'what did you do about them' he said as he played with my fingers. On my wrist I had recently gotten a new tattoo with Hyukjin on it and I have been asked many questions by the kids I work with who he is. 'We left, they only started bothering him on the way out' Jisung hummed.

'Mmmmh' I heard Hyukjin say, that was all he really could say, he pointed to the window and bounced slightly in his wheelchair, it was snowing, more importantly it was the first snow.

'Minho' Jisung said softly beside me and I focused my attention back on him I hummed telling him to go on 'I think I'm...' he looked away from me and to Hyukjin 'Minho, I think I'm pregnant' he said slightly caressing his stomach. Again I just hummed seeing the pregnancy test packet in the bin, I just didn't know the result. 'I think we're ready' I say kissing his head 'how about we go out in the snow' Jisung hummed but didn't move 'I'll go get out warm cloths' I said while standing up.

I came back with all of our warm cloths for this time of year. I put Hyukjin in his cloths and then he signed a thank you to me, I nodded to him and kissed his forehead. 'You need to make sure you don't catch a cold' Jiusng berated, 'I won't' I said as he tied a scarf around my neck.

We went out into our garden and I handed Hyukjin some snow 'be careful of my left ear Hyukie' I say to him as I give him the snow to initiate a snow ball fight.

Next thing I know I feel a bunch of snow hit the back of my neck, I turn around a see Jiusng looking all innocent. 'I can't throw a snowball at a pregnant man, mot definitely not my husband' I say running over to Jisung and lifting him up into a hug. He looked into my eyes and they shine 'I love you' he says before giving me a soft peck on the lips 'and I love you too my big baby' I say smooching his lips almost dramatically.

Hyukjin pulls on my pants leg and he lightly throws a snowball at my back. 'I'll go make some coco' Jisung says, my fingers that were around his waist slowly fall off and he walks back into the house. 'Just you and me now Hyukie' I say before he throws a hard lump of snow right at my left ear. I hiss in pain and bring my hand up to my ear, I feel dizzy and I see red on my hand. 'Jisung' I shout, he comes out immediately'God Minho, are you alright' he says as I fall into the ground, me ear poring with blood. Hyukjin sits in his wheelchair with a sad expression because he doesn't like seeing anyone in pain. I stay awake I just can't hear anything and I'm in a lot of pain.

I sit in the hospital bed and sign to Jisung that it's okay my hearing aid broke because Hyukjin through ice at me. I was sad also because I bought that hearing aid myself, to fit in, I'll only have to wait a few weeks for a new one, it was just the nostalgia of the original, I'd already asked if I could keep it and they said yes.

Me and Hyukjin were having a conversation about dinosaurs, something he had a book about and we talked about school which he would be starting in September, not very soon, but he was still excited. He would be attending a school that specialised in disability, which we were happy we had not to far away.

The doctor then got my attention by tapping my arm he signed to ask if I could feel any pain any more and I shock my head, I had been given pain killers and my ear had been dressed. Through my right ear I could hear a general buzz of a hospital, but could make out nothing worthwhile.

I'm okay I signed. Now I was happy, I was truly happy, Hyukjin made me happy, I was pleased I could help him with not fitting in, in a world where he was expected to do everything possible to do so. He wasn't the type of mute that could just be cure over night, it was to do with the development of his brain, I know Jisung blamed himself for everything that happened, but it was no one's fault. Hyukjin goes to speech therapy but little is expected to come from it, but him saying mmmh and giggle if gives us all hope, one day he might say appa or papa.

Hope you liked that chapter, if there are any spelling mistakes let me know because I don't really proof read these chapters :)

But now another question no one asked for and no one will answer because as I said no one reads this book, but anyway:

What was the first Kpop song you heard, when was it and do you still listen to the group, and if so who is your bias?

For me it was 'what is love' by Twice in like June of 2018 and yes I do still listen to Twice, but I didn't really get into them until Stray kids' cover of Fancy and then I learnt them and they are probably my favourite girl group, them or Itzy. My JYP Stan just got so exposed. My Twice bias is probably Sana but I love them all.

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