9 - Welcome To The World

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Jisung POV
It was the middle of the night on the 23rd of November when I felt my stomach drop. I felt my sweat pants get wet and panicked, I haven't panicked since this since Hyukjin was born. The next thing I know a shooting pain ripples through my entire body and I let out a sob. Minho rolls over most likely feeling the lack of body warmth. I shake him to get him up. He opens his eyes and looks at me, he can feel the fear radiating of me and quickly puts his hearing aid in. 'Minho the baby is coming' I cry to him. He holds me as I rock back and forth. 'Let me go get the baby bag' he says trying to stand up, I pull him back down for our hug to last longer to then let him go get the bag.

Minho POV
'Hyukie baby, wake up' I say lightly shaking him. He looks up and me and I say 'your baby brother is coming ' he nods, I get his shoes on and tell him 'I'm going to ring uncle Chan and uncle Felix to see if the you can stay with Haru, is that alright baby' I say looking at him, pausing getting a small bag together for him. He nods and lifts his arms slightly telling me he want to be put in his wheelchair, I do that kiss his forehead and say 'wait there while I get baby's bag and appa, then we can go alright Hyukie' he nods enthusiastically, despite not really knowing what's going on.

I get Jisung's bag and make my way back to our shared bedroom 'Jisungie, baby, I've got your bag, can you stand up' I say walking towards him. He quickly shakes his head almost like he didn't care what the question was. 'I'm going to ring Chan and Felix and ask if Hyukjin can stay there' I tell him supporting his weight.

I go to Hyukjin's room and he's gone over to ply with his dinosaurs on his shelf and had the bag I gave him in his lap 'Hyukie were going now, follow me' I say opening the door for him the exit the room and then the house.

'Hey Chan, I'm sorry if I woke you but Jisung had just gone into labour and I thought it would be best to drop Hyukjin off there to spend time with Haru tomorrow, is that alright' Chan hums on the other end and tells me to just knock and he'll keep Hyukjin as long as we need. We pull up to their house. I carry Hyukjin from his seat in the back into his wheelchair 'be a good boy for your uncles' I say to him stroking his hair and then kissing his temple he kisses my stomach which means he want to kiss the babies and say goodbye to Jisung. I wheel him round you Jisung's side of the car and open the door. 'He wants to say goodbye to the babies' I tell Jisung. He turns around slightly and Hyukjin kisses his baby bump 'I love your sweet Prince' Jisung says taking his hands and putting them to his own stomach 'and so does the baby' he kisses Hyukjin on the forehead and tells him to have a nice time with his uncles and his friend, Hyukjin waves enthusiastically 'I'll be right back I say to Jisung before closing the car door'

I drop Hyukjin off at Chan and Felix's and say I can't stop for any conversation then make my way back to the car with a light jog. As soon as I enter Jisung grabs my hand and tells me to 'drive now' I put my foot on the peddle and drive as quickly as possible to the hospital.

When we arrive I ask for a midwife as my husband is in labour, they ask me all the regular questions and I answer them to the best of my ability while they wheel Jisung off into a delivery room.

9 hours later
A doctor comes out into the waiting area and I'm half asleep 'Mr Lee for Han Jisung' she shouts my head shoots up 'yes that's me' I say walking towards her, I was nervous because last time I didn't get told good news. 'You have a healthy baby boy, Jisung is awake and they are both in room 325' she says and points me in the right direction 'it's on the next floor, follow the directions to the mother and child ward' I nod my head an follow her instructions.

I open the door to room 325 and see Jisung holding our baby against his bare chest. There are a few nurses in the room, I assume to make sure everything is alright. 'Jisung, he's beautiful' I say with tears in my eyes, I sit down on a nearby chair and stare at our son 'do you want to hold him' a nurse said. I nod my head, 'he needs skin on skin contact for the first few hours to warm him up and get him used to the new environment' I'm told and I take my worn green sweater off 'just hold him like that' the nurse says handing me the baby 'Jiusng I think you should go to sleep' she says and he hums closing his eyes. 'Did Jisung give you his name' I ask in a whisper that I could barely hear 'he did Lee JaeJi is why he names him' I nod smile and look down at our second son 'welcome to the world Lee JaeJi'.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter, both the babies are here now, I'm exited to write them growing up and experiencing life, because that's what this book is about :)

Anyway another question that no one will answer but I like answering them i case anyone is curious:

When did you get into SKZ and how?

For me it was before Yellow Wood came out I remember the trailer for the release coming out right around when I got into them, so I imagine June/July 2019.

The first song of there's I heard was Miroh I think but I actually didn't like their group name so didn't want to get I got the group. But then I heard Australian accents and I was down, the song that actually got me invested was 3rd eye.

But I found out about them because of GOT7 who I had previously gotten into, my bias in there was Jinyoung if you were interested, which I doubt anyone was cause no one read this book or even this far down in the chapters.

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