25 - Life goes on

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Hyukjin POV

'Hello is this Mr Lee' I hear over the phone, Jimin's school have just rung me announcing they have something urgent to tell me and after confirming who I am, they do 'Jimin has been sent to the hospital, she stopped breathing during one of her lessons and we got her there safely and now need to inform both you and her mother' I don't know what to say, her school said she'd got there's safely but she's my daughter, I need to know she is truly alright.

They tell me what hospital she is at, me and Danha make our way there, I can drive, I just don't like to, and luckily for us today we were both off work, so Danha, the much more trusted driver can drive.

On the way I feel it is best to inform my parents, who promise to make their way down, in Jimin's 11 years of life they have been very involved and helped me and Danha a lot when it comes to looking after children's with additional needs, me and JaeJi were raised well, I trust their judgement. In times like this however, despite me being 29 it's Minho who I really want, ever since I was a baby it's always been Minho, there was something about or connection that was special, yes it had something to do with our shared understanding of sign language but it also came from a sense of personal understanding, we understood each other, even as I got older, I still always went to Minho.

I also inform JaeJi, who is now married to Haru, have only been for just over a year, 3 years after his first desire to propose. But nevertheless it happened, they didn't have a grand wedding, it was just close family and friends they didn't feel a need for anyone else. I tell Jonghwa as well due to the fact both of my children see him as a second uncle despite them only having one, Danha is an only child so appreciated the uncles the children get from me, despite one not been long by blood, she claims it's just as important, gives another perspective on life. And I can say that is true Jonghwa is different to me and JaeJi, his upbringing under Hyunjin and Changbin much simpler, he had your regular up bringing.

When we arrival at the hospital we are told to wait, and if there is one thing I hate about hospitals it is having to wait, it's all I ever did as a child, wait for this appointment, wait for that appointment and nothing ever seemed to get done. But now instead of being frustrated at waiting I'm panicked at waiting, waiting means something is happening but it never means something good.

'Is anyone here for Lee Jimin' someone says not long after Jonghwa gets here, people got there almost at the same time and became a good distraction to me and it's only when her name gets called that I realise how long I've been here, hours, it's 10pm, we were called at 11am.

'She's okay for now but she's probably going to need surgery on her lungs, they seem to be collapsing' the doctor says me and Danha nod our heads, she asks some follow up questions, I stay silent, bad thing always seemed to happen when I stayed silent as a child, but to me my whole life seemed bad because of how miserable I was, this right now is a similar feeling. I know that when we go back out Minho will hug me and Jisung will say something about it not being the end of the world or that life will still go on despite the surgery but now that doesn't make me feel better. I feel scared that something bad will happen, I realise I'm a parent in the strangest ways but mainly when something bad happens.

Now I know how Minho felt, the feeling of history repeating itself, the same bad things that happened to you happening to your child, I don't want Jimin to grow up being bullied for who she is, something she can't help. I want to support her growth, like a sunflower is supported, but I don't know if I can ever be that support because once I was just the sunflower, I still am.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter, there is only one left :)

Who is your favourite 2nd Gen group?

Personally I'm not a big second gen fan but I have like one Shinee song in my playlist so I guess by default Shinee.

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