20 - Thats what makes a Family

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Today Hyukjin goes off to university, he's going to study Psychology, to sag the family are scared would be an understatement, especially Jisung.

Jisung POV

'He's going to be so far away Minho' I say in panic not wanting my first born so far away in a place where he could get bullied all over again. He's going to study in Busan on the other side of the country than Seoul 'Jiusng he'll be fine Jonghwa is going with him so is Danha' that was true and I knew they would protect him but what if something happened and we were so far away.

I sit down on our bed and I cry, Minho joins me and comforts me 'he'll be fine' he says stroking my hair.

Hyukjin POV

I've just finished the last of the things I'm going to need for university I haven't packed things I'll need for tomorrow morning, I'll do those things then.

'Hyukjin' I hear after a light knock on my door, it's JaeJi, despite us have if arguments I'll know me leaving is hard on him, because in a way we understand each other. 'C-come i..in' I say as he walks in before I've finished. He tackled me down onto my bed and I can already feel his tears seeping through my shirt. I stroke his back 'I-I don't want you to go' he says through hiccups and broken sobs, I just continue to stroke his back not knowing what else to do. 'I-I'll c...come an..and vissssit' I say trying to keep my own tears in. He nods into my neck where he has placed himself already knowing that just not wanting me to leave at that specific moment.

After a few seconds JaeJi stills completely he's breathing is shallow and I start to feel him shake in my hold, I immediately put him on my bed so I don't hurt him. 'Appa Papa' I shout and they both come running in. JaeJi is still shaking violently after 5 minutes and his eyes are rolling back. Minho is comforting me on one side of the bed while Jisung monitor JaeJi on the other. Soon he starts coughing and Jisung rolls him over so he doesn't choke on his vomit. Almost immediately after he stops shaking, his seizure is over after around 10 minutes Jisung is in the phone to the paramedics asking if they need to bring him in or if that's even normal. He checks his breathing and it's short but otherwise fine, his heart beat is regular, he just looks tired and sweaty. The paramedics say that if it happens again that should bring him in immediately but if he seems fine there is no need to.

At that exact moment I feel awful for being the cause of my brother having such a bad seizure, I let him sleep there as I make my way into his room with Minho supporting me. 'I'm sorry' I sigh to him and he hugs me telling me that it's not my fault, right now I don't want to go anywhere I don't want to leave but I also know that I'd regret it if I didn't, I can always come back to JaeJi and I can always message him or ring him if I feel sad. And then moving away doesn't scare me as much, it never did I just didn't want people to be badly effected by my actions but I know JaeJi is strong but in that moment he was feeling a lot if stress and emotions.

I wake up the next morning and still feel tired, Minho is next to me, I assume I was holding onto him that he ended up sleeping here. I then feel he is stroking through my hair 'good morning' he says as I sit up and stretch 'I-Iss JaeJi all-right'  I ask Minho nods and I feel better 'it was quite the scare but he's fine now, just tired'

All of my things are downstairs and Jonghwa is waiting in the car with Danha for us to drive down to Busan, I sit in my wheelchair staring at my family feeling thankful and regretful but they all give me big smiles and bright smiles and tell me to call when I get there and if JaeJi hugs me a little longer as we cry on each other only we need to know that. And I think that moment about to leave I realise how happy they all make me that no matter what they are my family and all of our bad times, well that's what makes a family. And I could be more thankful, I make sure to express that before I leave. I look at Minho as I leave and he signs 'I love you' as I leave the house, I do the same although more sloppily because I'm crying, not sad tears just the tears you shed when you leave a happy place or when you say I love you for the first time, tears of uncertainty.

Hope you liked that chapter, sorry it was a little shorter :)

What is a group you hated now love?

For me the main one would be Ateez, there was something about Mingi that put me off, I don't think it helped the first song I listened to was Pirate king but now I love the groups and Mingi. It just he's unique and different it shocked me and put me off until I came back and listened to Wonderland a little while later and now there like my 3rd favourite group.

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